Thursday 5 March 2020

Interviews Torchwood 2000 - Interview with Callum Trevitt

As fans of any sci fi programme, we can imagine ourselves in a situation where we might need the help of Torchwood, the Doctor, or a super hero to save the day, and protect planet Earth. As fans, many of us write fan fiction, extending the Whoniverse with non canon characters, because we can. We’ve shipped characters, we’ve brought back the dead, with alternate universes, so we can bring back Ianto, Tosh and Owen.

But what about an alternate universe where another Torchwood exists, but not with the characters you knew, but with a whole new cast? Catching up with actor Chris Wilson recently, who told me of a new series he was involved in, called Torchwood 2000. Chris put me in touch with screenwriter Callum Trevitt, followed by a trailer for the series, and it was inevitable really, that I’d want to find out more.

I caught up with Callum, recently, who has put together four episodes of Torchwood 2000  with a completely new cast and the trailer is absolutely awesome. There are a few taster trailers on Youtube, but this is ultimately the best one to watch, in my opinion. 

How did the idea come about for Torchwood 2000? Are you cosplayers, or fiction writers going beyond the keyboard and into visual dramas?

Callum: Reuben initially came up with a pilot for Torchwood 2000 on his personal YouTube when he was 15, which came about from an obsession with the Whoniverse. I approached Reuben in early 2019 with the idea of rejuvenating that base idea, and turning it into a parallel world web series. The Torchwood team are outsiders who like to challenge authority and make a positive difference - which are exactly the sort of traits we both relate to.

Tell me about the Torchwood team - who are they? Are they in your screenshots? Are they like the original team format?

Callum: The Torchwood 2000 team begins with Jaxus - the head honcho. He’s an absolutely barking mad, insane lunatic joined by computer nerd Gita, loose cannon Goddrick and his best friend Angel. Though, none of them have any recollection of their pasts, or why they’re part of this post-apocalyptic cut-back Torchwood team. It’s as if their entire backstories have been retconned. Though, this all serves the story-arc, and when you eventually learn of their pasts - you’ll certainly be sitting upright. The format follows a similar team dynamic, but we’ve cartoonized our characters a little more at the start, to really emphasise the dark moments later on. I think we’ve definitely succeeded at getting that right.

How many years in the making was this series for you and the team?

Callum: We started on an original spin-off idea in 2017, with a story based around a companion of a time traveller (The Doctor) that had been left-behind in the far future… But, with a few failed attempts at pitching it to our crew to get momentum going, we decided to go with the Torchwood format - which has proved massively worth it.

When do you go to launch the latest episode?

Callum: It’s hard to say for sure - we haven’t given ourselves a specific deadline purely to ensure the quality is the best it can possibly be. We anticipate episode 1 going out in the Summer, with episode 4 (the finale) going out by the end of the year (it’s an absolute cracker, and worth the wait!).

Obviously because Who and TW belong to the BBC did you have issues regarding using the music and some of the characters within it, plus the use of the name Torchwood and Captain Jack Harkness?

Callum: We’ve got a fantastic composer working on brilliant original music for us - Devon S. Robb - a musical mastermind. He’s really thrown himself into the project and has become a key core player here at Fortuna Vega Studios. Under the fair use act, we’re able to use the name Torchwood and Captain Jack Harkness providing personal financial gain doesn’t come as a result of the production, which it is not.

What can we expect from the storylines?

Callum: As a screenwriter with an eye for detail, multiple narratives and character, I’m most proud of the pacing in the scripts - you never stay in the same place for too long. As showrunner, I’ve ensured that there’s a well-rounded story-arc with consistent writing and direction… and a few Whovian surprises thrown in. I’ve got a great team of talented writers working on episodes 2 and 3, including Oscar Wenman-Hyde, J’Quan Wallace and Reuben Roper. They are ace!

In episode 1, watch out for a team changing revelation… In episode 2, watch out for a gigantic drug lord carnivorous plant. In episode 3, watch out for ‘The Commitment’ and their cult as they attempt to call God. In episode 4, watch out for the Prime Minister’s television broadcast… you can’t miss it.

Will fans of Russell T Davies’ Torchwood and Doctor Who enjoy this series?

Callum: Absolutely - we’ve got Whovian surprises, a sassy mother not too dissimilar from Jackie Tyler, gritty and very real character struggles, and utterly brilliant (and unexpected) villains. The cinematography and visuals is another high point for us, and I think the importance of where and how it’s filmed shines particularly in our favour. You’ll enjoy it.

Thank you so much for the Interview Callum.

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