Tuesday 5 February 2019

Profiles Abzorbaloff by Reece Morris-Jones

A one-off (so far) monster designed by the winner of a competition, The Abzorbaloff is a gag monster, reviled by many Doctor Who aficionados along with the episode he appears in, Love and Monsters. Regardless, as a character, the Abzorbaloff acts as a metaphor for a toxic part of the Doctor Who fandom and asks viewers to do some self-reflection.

The Abzorbaloff comes from the planet Clom, which was the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius. Despite a passing resemblance to the Slitheen of Raxacoricofallapatorians, when confronted by the Doctor about the resemblance he seemed to treat them with contempt. Possessing of an ability to absorb the memories and experiences of anyone he touched, whose bodies were then absorbed into the creature as part of its digestion, it posed as a wealthy human businessman called Victor Kennedy.

The Abzorbaloff infiltrated and quickly took over the group called LINDA, a small group of people with an interest in the Doctor. ‘Victor’ then changed the purpose of the group to being one obsessed about finding the Doctor, to better allow him to absorb the Timelord’s memories and experiences.

Eventually defeated by the absorbed members of the group, who stretched the monster’s skin, allowing Elton Pope to break his cane, shattering his limitation field and allowing The Doctor to defeat him.

Though somewhat silly in appearance and manner, The Abzorbaloff asks the viewer to consider how they approach their fandom of the Doctor. Is it something healthy? A way to connect with others over a shared passion and enrich your life? Or is it an unhealthy obsession, one that focuses on detailing the Doctor and his experience, possessing them, just because you can?

The episode comes down firmly on one side of the question, but shows through the character of Elton, that it is possible to use such an obsession in a healthy way, perhaps even reaching catharsis.

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