the next three issues we are taking a little sidestep into Doctor Who where we
follow Jack and where possible we shall try to reflect this in our connections
between the two shows. In this issues connections we shall be looking at the
Hand first part of the Doctors appendage (the next half will be in a future
addition of a Doctor Who Sidestep when we visit ‘Stolen Earth/ Journey’s End’.
The Doctors Hand
in London Jack recovered (this has never really been explained) the Doctor’s
hand that he’d lost thanks to a Sycorax and his sword. Jack decided it may be
useful as some kind of Doctor detection (which Jack refers to in ‘Utopia’ as a
“Doctor Detector”) device and is kept in a canister filled with some kind of
preservation liquid in the Hub. Because of its importance to Jack, he is
extremely protective of it, but when he is questioned by his team about it, all
he will say is it means something only to him. When the Doctor and Martha
arrive outside the Water Tower his presence makes the hand glow and the
canister bubble.
by the 10th Doctor who lost it in a sword fight with a Sycorax in
the Christmas special “The Christmas Invasion” (the 10th Doctor’s
returned the hand to the Doctor in the first of a three part story which starts
with episode 11, ‘Utopia’ season 29/3.
the end of ‘Utopia’ the Master steals the TARDIS, along with the hand. In the
second part, episode 12, “The Sound of Drums”, the hand is used by the Master
in order to obtain the Doctors biological coding. This the Masters uses to
radically age the Doctor many hundreds of years via the Masters Sonic Laser.
the TARDIS is never actually seen in Torchwood, we do hear her landing engines
at the end of the season one episode ‘End of Days’. This is continued into the
first of a three part Doctor Who story, in the episode ‘Utopia’ season 29/3,
when we see Jack running to the landed TARDIS after he has left his Torchwood
colleagues behind to wonder where he has gone.
to ponder on (though not TARDIS related):
the end of the final of the three Doctor Who stories ‘The Last of the Time
Lords’ the year of hell, becomes ‘the year that never was’ so in other words,
the year that has passed where the Doctor, Jack and Martha’s family were
trapped on the Valiant and Martha has spent the time passing on a message never
happened, everything was reset, with the exception of those present. So why
does Gwen question where Jack has been all this time, in season two episode
‘Kiss, Kiss, Bang Bang’ if the year never happened?
Doctor Who
The TARDIS (which stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in
Space) is a type 40 and very old, it’s the Doctors spaceship he uses to travel
through both time and space. But she’s no ordinary spacecraft, because she is
also very much alive. Like her pilot, the TARDIS can also change her internal,
and when the Chameleon Circuit is working, she is able to change her external
shape too. Of course we all know the TARDIS in the shape of a blue 1950s police
call box, a shape the Doctor is happy to stick with. But on the inside she is a
huge box of delights. Most people, when they first step inside, are heard to
say “It’s bigger on the inside than the outside” She is able to have as many or
as few rooms as she or the Doctor cares.
Of course we could sit here until the sun explodes discussing this
incredible being, who is also the Doctor’s only continuous companion. But I
think I shall leave that for another time.
It is also the main cause of Jack’s inability to die as it was the
TARDIS’ own time vortex that was used, by Rose, to bring Jack back to life
after he was killed by the Daleks on the game station in the final episode of
season 29/1 ‘The Parting of Ways.’
is also worth noting that when the TARDIS was refueling back in 2005 in episode
‘Boom Town’ season 29/1, before all hell broke loose as the TARDIS started to
rip open the Rift, thanks to Blon fel Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen aka Margaret
Blaine’s Extrapolator that Jack had wired up to the TARDIS console, our
Torchwood ‘non dying’ Captain Jack Harkness was keeping his Torchwood team away
from all that was happening above the Hub in Roald
Dahl Plass. The question is, were they hiding below in the Hub, or had
Jack decided upon a wild goose chase somewhere?
Dr. Martha Jones
Our time with the good Doctor, Martha Jones, is a long and complex
one. But obviously not as complex as the good Captain.
In 2008, Martha, now a doctor and UNITS Medical Officer (thanks to
UNIT and a little word from the Doctor himself), is placed on secondment to
Torchwood when they begin to investigate an organisation called the Pharm
headed by a Prof Aaron Copley, in season 2 episode 6 ‘Reset’ After Copley
killed Owen Harper, who later was resurrected by Jack, Martha took over from
Owen has the medical officer for Torchwood 3 until Owen was pronounced fit to
serve as medical officer again. This happened at the end of episode 8 ‘A Day In
the Death’.
Martha also makes an appearance, in the same year, in the radio
story ‘Lost Souls’ when she is sent, by UNIT, to CERN in Geneva where she is
later joined by the Torchwood team, or what is left of it. This story occurs
after the terrible loss of both Owen Harper and Toshiko Sato.
Doctor Who
Martha, a medical student, was the 10th Doctors
companion for season 29/3 and initially appeared in 13 episodes. In the her
final three episodes of her time as the Doctors companions; ‘Utopia’, ‘The
Sound of Drums’ and ‘the Last of the Time Lords’ we see Martha grow. In the
final story of the three Martha literally saves the world from the Master and
the Toclafane in 2007. This year of battle became known as ‘the year that never
was’ as time was reset when the battle was won. The only ones to remember were
those at the epicentre of the events, the Doctor, Martha, Jack, Martha’s family
and all those on the Valiant.
Martha appeared again in the following season, where Donna Noble
was now the Doctors companion. Firstly in the two part story ‘The Sontaran
Stratagem/The Poison Sky.’ She stayed for the following story when the Doctor
and Donna were meant to be taking Martha home and they found themselves on the
planet Messaline in the year 6012 and in the middle of a war between the Hath
and the humans. At the end of this the Doctor finally managed to return Martha
home again. We then see Martha again in the season’s final two part story
‘Stolen Earth/Journey’s End.’ The Daleks have stolen the earth along with 26
other planets and the Doctor is nowhere to be seen. Martha is given the job, by
UNITS General Sanchez (Michael Brandon), to use the Osterhagen key if the
Doctor cannot be found. She is about to use it in a base in Germany when the
Daleks find her and teleport her onto the Daleks Crucible. Here she met other
'Children of Time’ Captain Jack, Rose, Sarah Jane, Mickey and Jackie Tyler, as
well as the Doctor. This time it is Donna who saves the universe after the
biological metacrisis and turning her into the DoctorDonna.
Our final sighting of Martha come towards the end of the 10th
Doctors life when he is visiting friends before he dies in the 2009/10 two part
special ‘The End of Time’ along with her now husband Mickey Smith, when they
are battling a Sontaran, who the Doctor knocks out.
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