Colin Teague
Richard Stokes
By Murray Gold & Ben Foster
music by Snow Patrol ‘Spitting Games’, Travis ‘Sing’, Placebo ‘Drag’, KT
Tunstall ‘Suddenly I see’,
It’s 1812 and the young wench Mary leads a
young soldier into the woods, it’s obviously his first time, and when Mary
introduces herself, referring to her name as that of the Virgin Mary, the
soldier lashes out at her, slapping her causing her to bleed from the
mouth. Mary retaliates, curtly replying
that she’s not his bloody hound and disfigures his face with three scratches
down his cheek. She hikes up her skirts
and runs deeper into the forest, aware that the attack will not go
unpunished. The soldier gives chase,
screaming WHORE as she disappears
from view.
In a clearing deeper
into the forest, a deafening scream pierces the air and a bright light forces
Mary to stop and stare in awe and fear.
The soldier hears and sees it also, but in pursuit of his quarry, he
spies Mary, and raises his flintlock pistol and utters: “Do whores have prayers?”
Present day Cardiff and the SUV screams
into a construction site where a skeletonised body has been unearthed. Police
have cordoned off the area and a tent has been erected over the crime
scene. The Torchwood team minus Ianto
Jones enter the tent, while behind the cordoned tape stands a familiar woman.
Inside the tent and while Jack and Toshiko
take readings of the body and the artefact discovered with the body, Owen takes
samples of the body and ascertains that it’s a young female who has what
appears to be, a gunshot wound to the chest, accounting for the large gaping
wound in her ribcage. Gwen asks what the
metal device is beside the body, having also ascertained that it is indeed
alien, Toshiko picking up readings of ilmanite peroxine and even dark
matter. Jack hasn’t a clue on the metal
object “...could be a weapon or a very
large stapler.”
Toshiko’s readings tell
her that the body has been in the ground for 196 years and 11 and a half
months, judging by the levels of decay.
Back in the Hub, Toshiko is shocked to
discover that while she’s been away, Owen’s antics with a football have
rendered her computer dead, having had its plug kicked out.
was running a translation program I’d written taking every scrap of alien data
we’ve got and broken it down finer to see if there’s any common derivation!” She tells them as she tries to restart the
computer and retrieve her data.
a bit of a mouthful!” Owen
quips. Gwen laughs and apologises
instantly at the private joke.
supposed to be professionals! We’ve got
a job to do!” Toshiko snaps.
Gwen apologises knowing she’s right but
Owen protecting Gwen, his new muse, defends by suggesting that “...even that stick up your arse has a
stick up its arse.”
Sometime later that evening, in a bar,
with white wine, Toshiko mulls over her day when the woman last seen at the
construction site wanders over and introduces herself. She diverts why she’s really there, the ice
breaker to win over Toshiko’s trust.
Ordering herself a drink she casually asks Toshiko by name what she’s
drinking. Aware she’d not introduced
herself, Toshiko becomes wary of the woman buying the drinks.
in London 1975, moved to Osaka when you were two, moved back to the UK
1996. Parents in the RAF, grandfather
worked at Bletchley Park, very impressive.
University, blah blah, snapped up at some government think tank when you
were 20, recruited to Torchwood three years ago!” Mary explains further about how she knows
about Torchwood and that she’s part of a group of ‘Scavengers’ who know where
to look for information, especially about Torchwood.
Despite knowing that talking
to Mary about her work could get her fired, there’s something about Mary that
Toshiko finds interesting, and in another bar, another few drinks, Toshiko
opens up about her day, finding a willing listener.
When Toshiko has opened up enough about Torchwood
and herself and her work, Mary reaches into her back bringing out a pendant in
a box and instructs Toshiko to put it on.
The instant it’s clipped on, a rush of voices, noise floods Toshiko’s
mind and to the outsider, looks as though Toshiko is having some form of a
fit. As Mary explains to her, they’re
people’s thoughts. Eventually as Toshiko
appears unable to cope with the voices, Mary tells her to focus purely on her
voice only and home in on it. Eventually Toshiko is able to do this, blocking
out all others.
Mary asks Toshiko what her friend is
thinking, when Mary tells Toshiko she’d like to kiss her, Toshiko quickly pulls
the pendant off and looks offended. Mary
laughs finding it amusing.
did you get it?”
been in the family a long time.”
never seen anything like it. It’s
more than incredible. With this you can
read people’s minds, it levels the pitch between man and god.”
it alien?”
guess.” Toshiko gives it back to Mary. “No. I want you to keep it.”
can’t Mary.”
I’ve kept it too long. After a while it hear too much. It changes how
you see people.”
have to show it to the others.”
Toshiko says. Mary just
laughs. “What?”
just I bet you don’t.”
you know this from finding my CV on the internet?”
because I know the pendant!”
you’re wrong, because I will.”
Again Mary laughs. “Yeah? But you won’t.”
The following day is bright and sunny
across Cardiff city. Toshiko enters the
building through the Tourist Info booth, pressing the button underneath the
counter that will take her through the tunnels.
She checks for the pendant just as Ianto enters, quickly she hides it
behind her back yet bidding Ianto a good morning. Toshiko quickly clips the pendant on as Ianto
disappears through the beaded door.
In the main Hub as the door rolls back,
Toshiko hears Owen’s thoughts as he steps from the Autopsy room, his mind on
the body. He acknowledges Tosh before
slipping back into thought. Gwen bids
her good morning as Toshiko announces that she has something to show them, but
as Gwen’s thoughts grow progressively more personal about her antics with Owen
and a criticism about Toshiko’s attire, Toshiko decides that telling them about
the pendant can wait, and offers a lame excuse about an article she read, that
she’ll bring in tomorrow, and goes to her station.
Sitting in another part of the Hub, with
work that fails to distract her from her thoughts, Toshiko is snapped back to
reality by Ianto’s thoughts.
can’t imagine a time when this isn’t everything. Pain is so constant, like my stomach’s full
of rats. It feels like this is all I am
now. There isn’t an inch of me that doesn’t
hurt.” Ianto sees Toshiko. “I’m
about to brew some of Jack’s industrial strength coffee, would you like a cup?”
Toshiko politely refuses and as Ianto
walks away, pulls the pendant off.
It’s later in the day and Toshiko is
heading home along the footpath. Mary
sits smoking a cigarette on the wall.
“I might have known you’d have my address as
well!” Toshiko says bitterly.
Mary enquires after the pendant and
whether Toshiko told her colleagues. She
smiles when Toshiko confirms what she already guessed and follows her into the
house dispensing with her cigarette first.
Angered and hurt at what her work
colleagues think of her, Toshiko demands to know from Mary what the pendant was
and why she gave it to her. As Mary
tries to explain about people’s thoughts, that often they’re not aware of what they’re
thinking, she also cases the personal photos on the fridge. Collecting the pendant that Toshiko has
slapped on the counter, Mary fastens it around Toshiko’s neck. Toshiko hears only Mary’s thoughts which have
been consistent throughout. But then
Toshiko discovers another thought, one that surprises her – her own! She kisses Mary who reciprocates the kiss.
Sitting up in bed some time later, wrapped
in a red quilted blanket, Toshiko already feels regret. Mary enters the room wearing Toshiko’s kimono
dressing gown, with a lit cigarette, and clutching a glass of liquor in one
hand and an egg cup in the other, declaring that Toshiko had no ashtrays in her
entire house.
Settling back in bed, Mary senses how
uncomfortable this is making Toshiko and enquires after her.
you ok? Freaking out a little?” She collects up a card from the bedside
cabinet. “Your birthday’s July right?”
“You’re the expert.” Quips Toshiko.
it a little late to still have your cards up?”
“Lots of love, Owen? I’m guessing that’s Owen from work? Like Owen
from the building site yesterday morning? Owen from the photo on the fridge?”
Toshiko gets up from the bed, trailing the
red quilted blanket behind her and gets dressed in the small room behind the
bed. Mary accepts that there’s someone
else in Toshiko’s life and tells her it’s “...not
the first time I’ve been a rebound shag.”
Except she couldn’t have been further from
the truth, nothing would ever happen. In
a bout of anger Toshiko hurls the pendant across the room and gets back into
bed. The pendant clatters to the
floor. In a heartbeat, Mary gets out of
bed and retrieves the pendant, slipping back in the covers she cuddles up to
Toshiko, telling her that the pendant is not all bad. She suggests that Toshiko takes herself out
to a public place to try it out, saying that some of the pendant’s qualities
are extraordinary but Toshiko has to find that out for herself.
Toshiko sits bolt upright in the bed sick
of the riddles, and demands to know who Mary really is. After a few moments Mary tells her that her
name is Philoctetes.
In the middle of the busy shopping
precinct, Toshiko puts on the pendant and listens to people’s thoughts all
around her. Some are quite amusing. Then through the crowd of voices one stands
out. A tall Asian who is plotting a big
surprise for his family.
going to kill her! I’m going to kill them! I’m going to kill them, lay their
bodies out afterwards and lay next to them, so I’ll have to do myself lying
down. I should have practiced that.”
Toshiko bumps into a stranger. It knocks her for a minute as she loses sight
of the man with the fishing bag over his shoulder, plotting the murder. She locates him again and follows him.
comes in and finds us and he’ll know this was right, what he’s been doing is
trespassing. I won’t miss anything. I won’t miss this city! I won’t miss this body! I won’t miss anything!”
Neil knocks on the door to the house he
once shared with his wife and son. His
son Danny opens the door then wanders back to the other room with his hand held
games console. Neil enters, and instantly
hears his ex wife laying down the law as to when she wants Danny back and what
not to give him. She talks about her
upcoming wedding to Lawrence and slates her ex husband for many failures.
Danny looks for something to eat in the
fridge, complaining that he doesn’t want to go with his dad, as it’s
boring. Neil unbuckles the fishing bag,
pulling out a double barrelled shotgun.
His ex wife recoils in horror and pulls her son towards her, begging for
was thinking of the Isle of Wight! You
remember we had that chalet, you remember when Danny was walking, and in this
chalet was the spiders, and you called me your hero because I wasn’t
scared. I just picked them up and threw
them out. It was this perfect little
memory, we were happy because we were together.
And all this nonsense with Lawrence is fine because I forgive you. Because...” he snaps the barrel together. “...It’s
ok, it’s just like falling asleep, then we will be together forever!” Before Neil can take aim, Toshiko who has
entered the house, and smacked him with a 10 iron that knocks him out.
know the skeleton we found at the building site? Well Amanda Burton here has
just completed the post mortem.”
“Ok I can explain...”
Owen begins before Gwen continues
you may remember, at the building site Owen said this was a woman killed by a
single gunshot wound. Since then he’s
had to tweak some of his finished conclusions.
The first fact being that this isn’t a woman but a man.”
“A young man, a very girly man!”
He tells Tosh.
still ultimately a man! Then there was
the cause of death, Owen said, gsw.”
Gwen makes the sound from Family Fortunes that signifies a wrong answer
and continues. “The correct answer was?” She
throws it back to Owen.
trauma.” He replies.
Toshiko is a little lost. Gwen explains.
see it in RTA’s when a steering column or a post goes into a body at a great
velocity but the one thing that could be ruled out was?”
“Gunshot wound.”
Gwen makes a gesture to Owen as Jack
laughs. “Was there in fact any part of your post mortem that was right?” She asked
got that it was a...skeleton!” Owen
Jack left to make a phone call in his office;
Toshiko followed, she asked him about Philoctetes, and if he’d heard of him, it
was from a pub quiz at the Prince of Tides she explained.
was an archer in the Trojan War who got in a fight and was marooned on the
island of Lemnos for about 10 years!”
“He was just left there?”
Toshiko is shocked. As she leaves
the office Jack asks her about the list she was preparing for UNIT. When told she was still working on it, Jack
indicated that he’d like it as soon as possible before returning to his phone
call to the Prime Minister.
Minister, is this a secure line, can you tell me why Torchwood operations have
become part of your security briefings with the leader of the opposition?”
Mary was impressed after Toshiko’s account
of her apparent heroism at saving a wife and child from being murdered by the
father and ex, so much so that she had to lean across the table to reward
Toshiko with a kiss. After the kiss Mary
enquired after the artefact collected from the construction site. Toshiko told her that Jack, her boss was
dealing with it. Put out by the fact
that often the work of technological stuff was more Toshiko’s line of work,
Toshiko explained that often their work would overlap, and she really didn’t
mind doing the admin work. But Mary,
threw a spanner of doubt into the conversation, suggesting that the only reason
Toshiko was given menial work was that they wanted to keep stuff from her, and
if that was true, there had to be a reason for them doing that.
Toshiko returns to the Hub with take away
coffees and visits Owen in the Autopsy room, the skeleton still his main
interest. It has a familiar wound that
Owen is certain he’s seen before but asking Toshiko only results in suggestions
of chest busters from Alien. As she
leaves him to it, she enquires after the hardware they brought back from the
building site. Owen has no news to tell
on that score. Toshiko pulls on her
pendant just before Gwen enters and takes a seat on the top step into the
room. She takes the remaining coffee in
the tray. Owen’s thoughts were initially
upon the skeleton but as Gwen enters the room, he does all he can to keep his
thoughts upon that and that alone, not Gwen.
Toshiko makes her excuses. “I think my desk is on fire!”

I’ve just come from a really interesting conversation with a Detective
Inspector Henderson, interesting because firstly the man had the biggest hands
I’d ever seen and secondly because of the story he told me of you, saving a
woman and her kid from being murdered by her ex husband?”
“Yeah!” Toshiko
nodded. “No I was going to tell you.”
“So why didn’t you?”
“I don’t know it wasn’t a work thing, just a
thing.” She shrugs.
“Stuff happens all the time not
pertinent to here.”
do this all the time? So you secretly
fight crime is that right Tosh?”
“Didn’t want it to look like I was showing
“The guy they arrested, Henderson said that
you heard him muttering to himself as he was walking along and that’s what
tipped you off!”
“Hmm, I couldn’t really work out what he was
saying at first and then I was like ‘Jesus!’” Toshiko exclaims.
“That’s weird.”
Jack looks up at Toshiko from his initial inspection of the
artefact. “Cos when I’m about to murder someone I’m really careful not to talk to
myself about it while I’m in the street.”
“No sure, I mean that’s lesson one.”
Toshiko replies. Watching Jack
working on the artefact asks: “I was
wondering how you were getting on with this?”
“It’s ongoing!”
He replies.
you dismantle it?”
“Like I said, it’s ongoing.”
He replies again, smiling.
As Toshiko leaves the room she touches the
pendant around her neck. Jack sensing
something stops in his tracks, Toshiko turns in apparent horror. He stares at her.
have I got something on my face, is it food?” Jack attempts to wipe his mouth with the back
of his hand.
sorry, I zoned out!”
“Well, listen, it was a good save, Tosh,
well done!” Jack replies countering the moment, but as
Toshiko leaves, it’s evident that Jack suspects something.
Back at the house Toshiko stares at the
pendant as Mary lets herself in with her own set of keys. She’s bought some shopping, food and drink
for the evening. As she unpacks, Toshiko
announces that she’s going to give the team the pendant. Toshiko hates what the pendant is doing to
her, listening into the thoughts of others, spying on her friends. Mary pleads to her better nature, begging her
not to, on account that once Mary goes in there she won’t come out again. Toshiko doesn’t understand and reaches for
her phone as Mary shouts her down.
the phone down!” Mary shouts, then
reveals her true identity to Toshiko, that she’s an Arcateenian, otherwise
referred to as ‘Butterfly people’ (SJA).
is why you can’t tell them!” Mary
cold. Who are you?” Toshiko replies having felt Mary’s touch
against her open hand.
the person you kissed, the person you caressed.” Mary returns to human form and looks at a
stunned Toshiko. “Say something.”
I’m shagging a woman in an alien!”
“Which is worse?”
“Well I know which one my parent’s would
say.” Toshiko replies. “I
read your thoughts, I didn’t see this.
What else are you keeping from me?”
“You think there could be anything bigger
than this?” Mary replies.
“The freedom you have. When I first got here I found it almost
obscene. My world was savage, it forced
worship inside of temples the size of cities.
Execution squads roaming the streets, dissent of any kind meant death,
or transportation to what they called a feral outpost.”
“And the pendant?”
“It’s how my people communicated, its how my
people have communicated for centuries.
Speaking orally using a prearranged finite of words, is so archaic, and
it’s gross to look at.” Mary lights a cigarette. “The
machine you found is a transporter, it brought me here, it can get me home
again, and I need it back before you dismantle it.”
“Won’t you be in danger?”
Toshiko asked, concerned.
hundred years have passed, there’ll be a new government, there’ll have been
twenty new governments by now.”
“Then why hasn’t someone come back for you?”
“I’ve been forgotten.”
Mary smirks. “Like Philoctetes on Lemnos!”
me take you to Torchwood, maybe we can help you, fix the transporter, we can
get you back home!”
“You won’t.
You’ll examine me, assess whether or not I’m useful or a danger and then
lock me away in a cell. You’re not
interested in understanding alien cultures.
It’s just as well you haven’t got the technology to reach out to other
planets yet. Yours is a culture of
invasion. Do you really think I’m going
to walk, hands raised in surrender into that?”
Toshiko wearing the pendant walks through
crowds of commuters, shoppers and city dwellers in a hope to find something
good come from the pendant, but there are just too many negative words flooding
her mind. She tears off the pendant.
It’s the end of the day and Owen is ready
for home. He flops the clipboard onto
his desk and lifts his coat from the back of the chair as the screen in front
of him displays the full computerised skeletal image. He can’t let it go, perhaps he’ll find what
he’s looking for. He retakes his seat
and opens up old files in a bid to locate what caused the chest cavity in the
In her grey pyjamas and lying on her own
bed distraught, Toshiko can’t cope with the power of the pendant and its hold on
can’t stand it anymore, the weight, the depravity, the fear knots me up.” She says as Owen digs through more
files. “It’s in my mouth, my hair, my eyes, like I’m drowning in ink.”
Owen locates one particular link and using
Jack’s Torchwood ID clearance code accesses old data.
even when I don’t have the pendant on it feels like there’s nothing. I can’t forget the things I’ve seen, the
things I’ve found out.”
Owen locates a file of ‘heart removed’
victims from the archives. “How far back does this go?”
“It’s like a curse, something that god sent
to drive someone mad. I’d hoped I’d see
something, a little random act of kindness, make me think it was safe. Some such good in us – there isn’t. It’s like the weevils.” Owen calls Jack when he locates the
“You look inside and it’s this great yawning
scream. You were right, everything you
said about us. I’m frightened. Callous.
And I don’t want to be a part of it any longer. I don’t know what to do. Tell me what to do?”
“Get me into Torchwood!”
Despite her apparent worry about entering
the Hub, Mary relished the opportunity as she entered the building from the
lift behind the solid metal door. While
Toshiko went to the Armoury to locate the device, Mary recited ‘Kubla Khan’ by Coleridge as she took
in the Institute. Locating Toshiko she
enquires after the device. Toshiko tells
her that Jack her boss will likely have it and heads in the direction of his
office as Mary grabs her arm.
“Be quick, I’ve a long journey ahead of me
and I might need something to eat before I go!”
“Is this what you’re looking for?”
Jack calls from over the gantry, the transporter in his hands. He makes his way towards the stairs as he
talks. “A friend of mine...” he
begins. “...let’s call him Vincent, was his name after all, regular guy,
girlfriend, likes sport, likes the beer.
Starts acting a little strange, a little distracted. Suddenly,” Jack laughs.
“...he disappears for a couple of
months, he comes back and we’ve got to start calling him Vanessa. Since then I’ve always been a little nervous
when a friend behaves out of character.”
Reaching halfway down the stairs, he looks over at Mary. “I’m
sorry we haven’t been introduced, Jack Harkness, my guess is you’re not from
around these parts? Now this, whoa, is
incredible.” Jack runs down the last
few steps and meets them by the water tower.
“You know what this is?”
“It’s a transporter. Mary was a political prisoner. She was exiled here. Look Jack...”
Toshiko began.
“You got half of it right. Mary? It is Mary isn’t it? You want to tell
her the really interesting bit? Chatty isn’t she, I don’t know how you got a
word in edgeways, Tosh. It’s a two man
transporter, or whatever you people might be, you could be squids for all I
know. A two squid transporter. Room for one prisoner and one guard. You want to tell us what happened to the
guard, Mary?”
“I killed him, but I was disturbed.”
Mary recalled the events of 1812 when the real Mary happened upon the
Arcateenian. The security door closes,
Owen and Ianto appear near the Armoury room, Gwen steps up near Jack. “Then
came a soldier, he tried to shoot me, so I plunged my new human hand into his
chest and plucked out his heart.”
“And that’s what you’ve been doing ever
since?” Owen says appalled.
“This form needs to be fed.”
Owen realises that all the unsolved cases,
with the puncture holes the size of a fist were Mary all along.
fled before any more soldiers came.”
Mary walks past Owen. “I had so much to explore. And how I love this body, so soft, so
wicked. The power such a body has in
this world. Within a few years the forests
had gone, the transporter was safely buried under the spread of the city, I
didn’t care, I wasn’t exactly in a hurry to get home.”
“And you’ve been killing ever since?”
“I knew there might come a time when my life
here could become complicated.”
Toshiko puts on the pendant and instantly
hears the thoughts of the team.
“But I was safe so long as I knew where the
transporter was.” Mary says.
The Armoury door is open, Owen
contemplates capturing Mary when Toshiko cries out NO! Quick as a flash, Mary has dashed from where
she stands to the Armoury room, filches a dagger from there and grabs hold of
Toshiko, the knife against her throat.
The thoughts of her team rise in her head.
Knowing Toshiko could hear her colleague’s
thoughts; Mary cast the idea of taking Gwen, swapping her for Toshiko,
prompting Owen to think this a bad idea, playing into Mary’s hands. Jack spoke to Toshiko through the power of
the mind, instructing her to not move, to not do anything till he told her otherwise. He then offered a trade to Mary, the
transporter for Toshiko. It was too good
an offer to refuse. Pushing Toshiko
away, Mary took the transporter held out by Jack, with both hands. Upon being this close to Jack however, Mary
noticed something about him.
smell different to them.”
“That’s nothing. It’s when you compare teeth with a British
guy that’s when it’s really scary.”
“What are you?”
Mary asks.
don’t know.”
“And you would have put me in a cage?”
Suddenly the transporter bursts into life. Mary takes a step back, the transporter
already has her locked in. “What’s happening?”
“Oh that, I reprogrammed it for you. It’s set to Enable.”
In a blinding flash of light Mary is transported from the Hub to the
Sun. “Sort of now!”
Toshiko knows it was wrong to read the
minds of her closest colleagues and it will take time for her to win back their
Outside, sitting on a stone seat near the
Millennium Centre, in the cool night air, Toshiko sits and talks to Jack.
funny, this small thing could be the most powerful piece of technology we’ve
ever found. It could tear down
governments, wipe out armies, what do we do with it?”
“Your call!”
“It’s a curse.”
Toshiko lowers it to the ground and scrapes her black boots over it,
grinding the alien device into the concrete.
Jack seems to breathe a sigh of relief.
couldn’t I read your mind?”
“I don’t know. Although I could feel you scrabbling around
in there.” Jack laughs.
got nothing. It’s like you were, I don’t
know, dead!”
Jack’s smile fades. He returns his gaze towards Toshiko. “I
want that list for UNIT on my desk tomorrow.
Or I’ll...what do bosses do in situations like these, you know, regular
bosses? Do I get to beat people?”
“We’ve got rules for that!”
Toshiko disappoints him.
Red tape!” He mock punches the air.
“Jack?” He turns to face her again. “Something
Mary said, probably the only honest thing she did say. I asked her why she gave it to me, she said
after a while it gets to you. It changes
how you see people. How can I live with
Jack sympathetically places his hand over
hers. “There are some things we’re not supposed to know. You got a snapshot, nothing more.”
don’t mean Gwen, Ianto, and Owen, I mean the whole world. It doesn’t matter.” Toshiko smiles, tearfully as Jack rises to
his feet. Toshiko looks up at Jack, who
wipes the tear from her eye, before walking away into the darkness.
Photos courtesy:
© BBC Torchwood 2006
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