Saturday 7 November 2020

Who Reviews The Curse of the Black Spot by S.F. Cambridge


The Doctor, Amy and Rory land the TARDIS on what seems to be a pirate ship after answering a distress call.  The captain however says that no such call was sent and they are immediately held at gunpoint accused of being stowaways and The Doctor and Rory are told to walk the plank whilst Amy is taken below decks to the scullery, no doubt to be a slave.  As the Doctor is preparing to jump into the water, Amy reappears, with a sword she found along with some pirates clothing and challenges the crew to a fight, a little surprised that they all seem to be scared of her, but loving the fact that they are. One crew mate tries to get the sword away from her, but as she puts up a fight, she cuts his hand causing him to panic and state that she’s killed him.  Amy drops the sword but accidentally cuts Rory as well. Black spots appear on both of the men's palms causing panic amongst the crew. 

Captain Avery: “Put down the sword. A sword could kill us all, girl!”

Amy: “Yeah. Thanks. That’s actually why I’m pointing it at you.” 

A woman's voice is heard singing a beautiful but haunting song, and what appears to be a ghostly apparition rises out of the water and aims her song at Rory and the injured pirate so that they are hypnotized by her and suddenly will do anything to get to her. The pirate manages to take hold of her hand and promptly disappears. Rory tries to do the same as he seems to have fallen in love with her, but Amy stops him and angers the woman who turns red, hisses, and throws Amy across the deck. Captain Avery refers to the woman as a Siren and says she has been taking every injured crew member, whether the wound is large or small. They all believe that the ship is cursed, The Doctor however believes that something else is going on. 

Much of the episode is spent below decks as The Doctor, Rory and Amy run and hide from the woman and try to keep themselves safe from her as they attempt to help the pirate crew come up with an explanation as to who the Siren is, and upon discovering Captain Avery’s stowaway son, they realize they must act fast and find out what she wants and why she seems almost hellbent on taking only those who are injured. A siren’s mission after all is to lure all men to their deaths, not just the ones who need help.  

The Doctor: “She’s out there now, licking her lips. Boiling the saucepan, Grating the cheese.”

Amy: “Okay. Well remember if you get an itch don’t scratch too hard.”

The Doctor: “We’ve all gotta go some time. There are worse ways than having your face gnawed off by a dodgy mermaid.” 

It is only when Rory falls into the sea and nearly drowns that The Doctor comes to realize just how powerful the Siren is and although Amy is prepared to jump in and save her husband The Doctor stops her and calls for the siren to save him instead and then conclude that they must all injure themselves so that she can take them all away so they can find out who she is and what happened to everyone she touched. 

The siren takes them all and they wake up on the floor of a spaceship in what looks like a hospital bay which then confirms what The Doctor thought, that the siren was really a computer program, a medical doctor whose job it was to heal the sick and injured and they find everyone she has taken all hooked up to life support to stop them from dying. 

As the episode ends and draws to its final conclusion, we are left with a cliff hanger that as viewers we perhaps haven’t worked out yet.  The Doctor scans Amy for pregnancy again, with the readings still flickering between positive and negative. We’re not sure what this means at this point but with the appearance of the woman with the eye patch appearing before Amy again, we can only assume that something good is about to happen and with the rest of the series to go, we know we won’t be disappointed. 

It’s a funny episode, very comical in parts, very sad in others but a nice change from the norm. It’s another test of Amy and Rory’s relationship and as usual between them, we sometimes get the sense that Amy is probably more in love with The Doctor than with Rory but as usual we are wrong especially when we see that she is literally prepared to die in order to save him, again a nice little thread that is woven into the series which will cumulate at the very end when they finally leave the show and The Doctors side. 

Amy: “Good night, Doctor.”

The Doctor: “Good night, Amelia.”

Amy: “You only call me Amelia when you’re worrying about me.”

The Doctor: “I always worry about you.”

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