Thursday 6 August 2020

Interviews Fans of Project: Torchwood Interviews - Kirsty Price

As part of our Fans of Project: Torchwood Interviews, we caught up with PT reviewer Kirsty Price. A big fan of Torchwood, Kirsty has already presented us with her large collection of Torchwood memorabilia, in The Coffee Shop Collections. Has Interviewed Blue Gillespie, the band where Gareth David-Lloyd was lead singer and has given her perspective on the Buffy Boys in an earlier article. So, it seemed only fitting that we Interviewed Kirsty, to find out just where and when her fandom began. Enjoy!

Hey Kirsty, have you always been a fan of Doctor Who or was it only the NuWho that piqued your interest?

Kirsty: I watched TW first, then I saw John Barrowman was in Doctor Who and it spiralled from there. Started with series 2, Tennant, because I refused to watch the first.

What was wrong with the First series?

Kirsty: I saw the zombie movie with Christopher Eccleston, and he scares me. He was in the film 28 Days Later.

But you've watched it since though? When you were going through your boxsets on the tellybox during Lockdown?

Kirsty: Yeah, I did. I liked the Unquiet Dead. The movie that made me more comfortable with Christopher Eccleston, was 'The Others'.

Before social media became a thing, there were fan groups online, did you join many of them to get a further fix on your favourite cast from Who and Torchwood?

Kirsty: No not really. The first I joined was PT. I saw some, but they were always arguing about how great this person was, how bad this other person was, and didn’t listen to other people’s opinions. I was like, I don’t have time for your drama.

I liked Ianto, with his sarcastic quips, but every time I tried to explain my reasons and opinions, I would get shut down and they all start arguing again. 🙄 Here we go again!

It's fair to say that we've known each other for about 10 years now, I think, or is it a bit more than that. I came onto social media in 2007, so there was a lot of Tennant to watch prior to the Book of Face being a thing.

When I Facebook, there were a lot of role playing accounts and groups to get involved with - would you say that this has been a great way of engaging with likeminded people, and you've made probably a lot more friends that have become lifelong friends.

Kirsty: 12 years, I think. I met my 2 best friends from this, one we don’t do any RP anymore, she’s stopped completely. The other person, we RP on and off. RP is a great way to meet people, and improve your writing. Such as my spelling. One of my friends is from Spain, and I met her through RP

What portions of our magazine do you enjoy reading?

Kirsty: I like the Interviews best and the Locations bit. My favourite interview has to be Dillon Casey.

Who would you like to see us Interview in the future?

‏Kirsty: Wishful thinking here, one of the mains (Eve, John, Kai, Gareth etc)

What would you like to see in the magazine that we don't as yet do?

Kirsty: Maybe a joke area?

Jokes are a hard one to do - without offending someone these days. But it's an idea and we'll take that onboard. Thanks! What other programme starring the mains do you like and did that get you into Torchwood?

Kirsty: I actually started TW in series 2, because I heard James Marsters was gonna be in it, and I’m a huge fan. Had to watch series 1 then. Hahaha!

Do you think it matters with television series such as TW, whether you watch it in order, such as you came into it in Series 2, then Series 1 - so if you were say, coming into TW during COE - would it help to know the background of the cast first?

Kirsty: I think it does help to know backgrounds. Example I missed one week of DW once and there were new people. I didn’t know who they were or why they were there. Colour me confused.

Yet you can jump in and out of Eastenders and discover that Phil Mitchell who is always at death's door, makes some miraculous recovery every bloody time.

How many cast members of TW have you met over the years?

Kirsty: My main one is Gareth, being a Newport girl and a Gillespian I often saw him around town. I have met John once or twice, and Eve once during filming in Newport. Walked into her once. I also met Charles Abomeli on holiday.  I would love to meet James Marsters for various reasons.

What are your favourite episodes of Torchwood?

Kirsty: I have three. Something Borrowed. To the Last Man and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, in that order.

Thank you, Kirsty for a great catch up!

Stay safe.

Photo of Kirsty and her dog, Charlie, courtesy of K. Price.

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