Monday 5 August 2019

Profiles Star Whale

Species: Alien, Star Whale
Other names: Cash Cow
Creature: Sentient
Episode appeared in: Meat

The meat that keeps on giving

The Star Whale had a pretty poor existence.  Found when it was only small beached after coming through the Rift, it was kept in a warehouse out of sight.  Unfortunately, and as most things do, it grew, and it kept growing.  The Harries & Harries meat suppliers realised they had an ideal food source right on their very doorstep and cut away chunks of it to sell for meat based products fit for human consumption, as while the creature continued to grow it also managed to heal itself, providing the brothers with a tidy sum. 

However, during a routine truck delivery, one of Harwood’s lorries crashed and the driver killed and although classed as a routine accident, it alerted Torchwood to the scene where the identity of the meat was bagged up and inspected at Torchwood Hub.  Rhys Williams was made aware of the accident when it was called through to him on his way to work. 

Rhys, after finally learning the truth about his wife’s identity helped Torchwood Three in their operation to free the Star Whale. 

Rhys also lead Torchwood Three to the warehouse where the poor creature was being chopped up for meat while still alive even though heavily sedated by an on site vet called Vic, but even this wasn’t enough to calm the creature who was going insane from the butchering of its body.

Captain Jack Harkness wanted to find a way of freeing the creature sending it back through the Rift, but Owen felt it had suffered enough already and gave it a lethal dose putting it out of its misery.  The Harries brothers were put out of business by Torchwood and the creature disposed of.

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