Wednesday 5 June 2019

Interviews Gordon Hepburn's Still Game Dalek

How long have you been a fan of Doctor Who for? And when did you start building Daleks?

Gordon: It all started back on the very first Dalek episode I was terrified at what might be behind that plunger. The classic episodes were my inspiration. The cybermen, the ice warriors and the Silurian's all great stuff.

The fantastic ring mod work by Peter Hawkins and Roy Skelton as they master the Dalek delivery, the TARDIS and the fundamental science behind it all. I just loved it all

One Christmas my daughters were stuck as to what they might buy me. They decided a little Dalek. I thought what might it be like to own a full sized Dalek. The seed was sown and the Dalek I have now, was built. Although back then it was a classic blue and silver Dalek. The first of 3 as 2 resurrection Daleks followed a couple of years later. No point in a Dalek that does not talk or have flashing dome lights. I built my own voice modulator and the Dalek talked..amazing

My favourite Doctors - Tennant..Eccleston..Smith and Davison. Favourite Daleks..Classic..Resurrection..Genesis..NSD. Favourite companion..Donna..Clara Oswald..Rose Tyler..Madame Vastra...that wonderful reptile

How did your Dalek get to be on the Still Game series?

Gordon: The clip you are referring to was shot for the Still Game web site not the series.

Ahh got you. So, I'm guessing it was your voice off camera being the Dalek and the characters from Still Game?

Gordon: Yes, the voice overs were mine as well as the Dalek voice.

It must have taken some time to assemble the Dalek. Especially the voice box and the flashing to coincide with the voice. Is it the same size as the original Daleks and can you ride inside it, or is it operated from outside the casing?

Gordon: It took about 4 hrs a week over a 5 month period to create the Dalek and then another 2 months to create the voice modulator, the modulator syncs output amp to light so the dome lights flash in time with the voice. You can get inside all the Daleks I have made and control them from inside its just convenient to operate them externally. It allows a better interface with interested people as they can operate it from outside as well, always a good laugh and allows them to interact.

Have you made any other Doctor Who props? Aside from this one, have you ever been commissioned to make a Dalek for anyone?

Gordon: No, I don't do commissioned Daleks I’ve made them and sold them. But not commissioned.

Other than Doctor Who, do you make props for any other programme?

Gordon: No, I don't make props for anything else. My other hobbies are planetary systems again sold and of course Voice modulators in the earlier days.

Daleks are time consuming and complex creatures to make. My expertise is in making them I know every detail of them down to the last mm. I am a Mod at a Dalek building forum on Facebook..Dalek builders group.

Mostly in the earlier days they were used for charity or to visit the local hospitals, today sadly Health and Safety is an issue and it’s not so easy to do that anymore

This has been a wonderful insight into Dalek Building. Thank you so much for the interview, Gordon.

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