Thursday 4 January 2018

Who Reviews The Krillitane Storm by DJ Forrest

Written by Christopher Cooper
For BBC Books
Published 2009

The Krillitane Storm is one heck of a story, which takes you back in time to the 1100s and Worcester Cathedral and castle. It's full of fearful peasants, scared of the urban legend of the Huntsman, who takes people in the night. But it's far from scary ghost stories that terrorise the neighbourhood. As the name would suggest, it is the winged creatures from another world that are causing havoc in the simple English town.

As with many of the Whoniverse creatures, such as there are with humans, there are different factions of Krillitane. There are those who would rather stick with their wingless features, whereas others wish to gain an advantage on their own predators, and take to the skies. So, with this in mind, the Krillitanes in this story are as much a captive as they are hunted by their own people!

It's a fascinating story too, as there is a history of Worcester to take into consideration here, and whether much of it is fiction, there seems a good enough portion of it to be believable. There are also different stories here, that tie them all together, which is what makes for a good Who story.

This, as well as Autonomy is a stand alone Doctor story - he is without his familiar companion, but gains two as the story progresses. It's so well put together that I punched the air when the final piece of the story was revealed.

Forget the 'shooty dog thing', the Doctor can tackle these Krillitane without his valiant K-9 at his heel, plus the stairs would bugger the dog's chances anyway. There are some unusual alliances, and some downright scoundrels. Well worth a read, and if you've a long boring tiresome day ahead of you, then this book fills in the dull spaces.

Thoroughly enjoyable!

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