Monday 28 April 2014

Interviews Sarah Louise Madison by DJ Forrest

Hi Sarah, thank you so much for the opportunity of the interview.  You’re currently involved in Cops and Monsters for Ecosse films with Fraser Coull how did that come about and can you tell us about your character within the series?

Sarah: Hi there! I became involved in Cops and Monsters when Fraser Coull got in touch and said that he was going to be filming a paranormal web-series in Glasgow and asked if he could contact my agent about joining the team as a vampire called Julia. Julia is feisty, rebellious and likes to get her own way. She’s very independent and knows how to play people.

You’ve played two characters in Doctor Who, a Time zombie and a Weeping Angel, both pretty scary, I’m imagining that the roles of both would be with limited vision, how did you see your way around set?

Sarah:  Yes the vision was limited in the costume but most of the time when I was walking around the set I wouldn’t have the masks on, they usually put them on when they’re ready to film. But it’s always fun to try and navigate around the set when the mask is on. And I usually have some very helpful make up artists to help me. With the Angel it wasn’t too bad as I was in one position but with the Time Zombie I had to battle stairs, dark hallways and cables whilst I was running after the characters, but when they shout action, you just put the problems aside and just do it! Luckily I didn’t fall over either! I was happy about that.

I can imagine for the role of a weeping angel it required you to remain absolutely stock still, so if you played those games of ‘musical statues’ as a kid and won, that must have put you in good stead for the role?

SarahHmm, I don’t really remember if I was any good at that game, but I know that I’m good at wink murder……does that count?

Your acting roles have been mainly horror characters, what is it that you like about playing horrific characters?

Sarah:  It’s amazing seeing the looks on people’s faces when you walk on set in full make up. Even if it’s just a gunshot wound to the head, it’s definitely a good conversation starter.

How did you get into acting, did you attend drama school, college?

Sarah:  I began performing when I was six years old. I started out in Musical Theatre but leaned more towards screen acting when I was in my early teens. It’s always been a part of my life.

When you’re not working how do you relax?

Sarah:  When I relax I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I love watching films and listening to music, I find it very soothing and relaxing.

Who or what would be your ultimate character to play and who would you have as your partner, nemesis, leading man or woman?

Sarah I would love to be in Assassins Creed when they make the film version. To be in that would be a dream come true. I love the storyline, the costumes and the characters. It would be amazing. Two people I would love to work with would be Robert Downey Jr and Jared Leto. They are brilliant actors. I would learn so much from them! Also Helena Bonham Carter. She’s amazing!

Going by the choice of character roles, I’m taking it that you’re a fan of the horror genre, but that being said, and having played a zombie in Bad Blood, I’m not an ultimate horror fan, are there other genres you’re interested in?

Sarah:  Me? I’m a wimp when it comes to horrors. Child ghosts and Zombies are the worst, I can’t watch them. I watched Zombieland and even that I had trouble with. My usual choices for films are romantic/comedy films. And I love superhero films too!

I do watch supernatural. That’s an awesome series and some of that is scary!

Headshot photos courtesy of Sarah Louise Madison

©BBC Doctor Who 1963 
Cops and Monsters - Dougie Coull 

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