Saturday 1 June 2013

Interviews Murray Melvin by DJ Forrest

You starred in a role as the Professor in The Grey Mile with the late Paul Shane, a comedy/drama about two ex master criminals, who lived in a care home.    I can imagine with this great northerner it was a barrel of laughs and not a dry eye in the house, do you have any memorable moments you can share with Project: Torchwood about that shoot?

Murray: It was a short film. 15 minutes. Filmed in a week. There was only time to learn lines! Remember comedy is very serious work.

Bilis appears in two episodes of Torchwood, but also in the book Twilight Streets, his face on the front cover, was this photo taken for a separate photo shoot or was this taken from the series you appeared in?

Murray: Must have been taken by the stills photographer on set

When the casting director contacted you over your role as Bilis, had you been involved in any other role similar to that character?

Murray: No. But I suppose its antecedence must have been Father Mignon in Ken Russell’s ‘The Devils’

Are you currently working on any new projects?

Murray: In my theatrical voluntary work I have for the last seven years been campaigning for a Memorial statue to Joan Littlewood (my Alma Mater) in the square in front of the Theatre Royal Stratford East.  This has now been sanctioned and I am in the midst of fund raising and hopefully the statue will be unveiled on her birthday this year the 6th. October.

When you’re not working, what do you do to relax?

Murray: 23 years as the Theatre Royal’s voluntary archivist!! Perhaps an occasional visit to the Opera or Ballet.

What jobs did you take prior to becoming an actor?  And were you ever involved in stage plays if you were in the services? (I’m judging by your age, you may have been in active service?)

Murray: No not active service but National Service. I started as an office boy in a shipping office in the City of London. Then became The Secretary to the Director of Sports at the Air Ministry after National Service, from there to a student at the Theatre Royal Stratford in the Theatre Workshop Company of Joan Littlewood.

What was the last book you read?

Murray: Richard Dawkins.  The Magic of Reality. Wonderful. Full of the most amazing facts and figures

You have worked with a lot of people over the years, who have been your favourite actors and actresses you’ve worked beside, and who has been the best director?

Murray: Impossible. If you have read my Wikipedia entry you will realise there have been so many. Impossible to chose from that list. The best Director has to be Joan Littlewood. Who gave me my theatrical training plus dance education in the Laban technique

Have you ever written, produced or directed any films for television or cinema? (quite a few actors seem to do that these days, I wondered if you’d had the opportunity in your long career)

Murray: Refer to Wikipedia

Doctor Who celebrates its 50th Anniversary this year, do you have a favourite memory of the show, or remember what you were doing when the series launched back in November 1963?

Murray: In 1963 I was in the stage musical of ‘Oh What A Lovely War’ so could not watch television

Fans Questions

Mel Purplemonkeydishwasher Bennett: Bilis Manger appears to be a rather complex character. He's evil and manipulative, with the ability to both see and move through time, yet he doesn't express much emotion. What were the challenges with playing a character like this, and what did you enjoy about playing him?

Murray: One cannot play emotion. That is for the audience to feel. Challenges were to expand him from a one dimensional character

Kirsty Price: Does he do any preparation for his role on Torchwood as Bilis?

Murray: The same preparation any actor does in approaching a new part

Christine Oswin Liddle: What happened to Bilis? They just let him get away. Where did he go?

Murray: Good question. He was the one ‘evil’ character that didn’t get killed off. Thought they were saving him for a comeback ! but it didn’t happen. I remember at one time there was a ‘Bring back Billis’ campaign.

Annika Gabriella Brink: Does he prefer to play good guy or bad guy? And has he got a dream-role yet to play?

Murray: These days it’s the bad guys. They usually stand still. It’s the goodies who run around (see Torchwood)

Mickie Newton: What was it that drew you to the character of Bilis Manger?

Murray: What actor wouldn’t be interested in such a character ?

Nikki Forrest: Why is he so scary?

Murray: Perhaps because he is so unpredictable

Hazel Stanton: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors and actresses?

Murray: Would not presume to give advice at my stage!  If you really want you just keep going. Perhaps a tip would be if you are not working then you study everything related. Dance. Movement, Voice, Music, Art. Read as many plays as you can. The more strings to your elbow the more useful you will be. Best of Luck.

Special thanks to Murray Melvin for the interview and signed photo. 
Wikipedia for the links and Google for the photographs.

If you would like to help raise money for the Joan Littlewood Statue, please keep reading

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