Okay, there was this
day when John Barrowman was announced for the FedCon 22 in Duesseldorf,
Germany. So I had only one thing to do: booking those bloody tickets for my
first convention ever!! But…would I survive four days between all these geeks
and nerds?
Day One (Thursday)
In the morning, I
thankfully got the information that the Hotel Maritim isn’t at the train
station ‘Airport’ but at ‘Airport Terminal’. That wasn’t even that bad because
it gave me the opportunity to arrive in proper style using the Airport Sky
Train. I was really wowed by Duesseldorf’s amazing airport building and loved
it at first sight.
First step into science
fiction – check.
The Hotel Maritim was
quickly found, and so I entered the entrance area. One step – and I stood in a
completely different world. I have to admit that my first thought was: Oh my
god, look at all these crazy people! There were captains and aliens, black apes
with shields, Stormtroopers from Star Wars, Doctors and many other creatures –
some human but others... I wasn’t sure. But, thank God, I wasn’t the only one
dressed in ordinary clothes. It took only a few minutes to get assimilated by
the surroundings and feel comfortable with it. Immediately I switched off the
life outside and dived into this unknown universe.
Second step into
science fiction – check.
Casper Van Dien
(Starship Troopers, Titans) crossed my way but I learnt that this wasn’t
anything special during such a convention. Some minutes later he had entered
the counter where you could pay autographs in advance and sold autographs just
for fun. At that moment I knew: This con is going to be great and fantastic.
Some friends and I
decided to kill the time until the opening ceremony by going to the airport and
having some late lunch. We had just finished eating as John Barrowman tweeted: ‘#germany
here I come. Jb’
Of course none of us left
the airport anymore. Damned wise decision. About an hour later John Barrowman appeared
at the arrival gate and was pleased when being welcomed by his fans. The FedCon
guys wanted to lead him away from us as quick as possible but John wouldn’t be
John if he didn’t stop that in his own special way. He angrily turned around and
said to them: ‘I'm not like other people. I talk to my fans!’
He FIRST joined us
for a group photo which was really kind of him and headed THEN off to the opening
ceremony. As if I didn’t know that before: this man is really worth going to a
He left us smiling.
The Captain had arrived.
Third step into
science/fan fiction – check.
Being back at the
Hotel Maritim, we entered the panel room and the opening ceremony started a few
minutes later. Laser show effects, funny movies and at the end all guests were
called onto the stage. Eve Myles and John Barrowman were the last ones in the
call. Immediately John made clear that he is the king of naughtiness and Eve
proved her skills as well.
In the evening we met
Eve and John in the hotel bar. They had some drinks there with Casper Van Dien,
Patrick Muldoon, Dina Meyer (Starship Troopers), Gigi Edgley (Farscape) and
others. It was fun watching them taking this picture (tweeted by Dina Meyer).
Unfortunately I
missed John and Eve crashing the Starship Troopers movie screening with JB in
his underwear and other funny stuff. Okay, nothing new seeing the Captain/JB
half or full-naked. So, well, next time.
DAY TWO – Friday
The next morning
started – and it was meant to be the last morning for me of not getting up
tired. What’s going to happen today? ‘Oh, so many things. It gets better and
then it gets worse again…’ Oops, wrong story line – or maybe not? J
I had the Eve Myles
panel, a photoshoot with John and the John Barrowman panel on my schedule. The
first panel was planned for 1 pm so I took the chance to visit the traders
rooms. And this was the moment I finally realised: OMG, they are all totally but
lovely nuts. I’ve been loving Star Trek and Star Wars and so many other Sci Fi
series and movies for years but I wouldn’t call myself a Trekkie or a Warsler
(German name of Star Wars fans). A convention had never been a number one
choice of my life destinations. But this FedCon was so bloody nice. I was
staring at all these great people in costumes, the huge amount of stuff to buy and
got a warm feeling when I found the blue Police Box and the golden Dalek with
its *plumber’s helper* – as we call that piece they used to point at you. ;)
And there were really
amazing artwork. There was this great model of the U.S.S. Enterprise (which
actually won a price at the contest) and I also couldn’t get enough of the
brilliant metal-made aliens.
The afternoon started
with the Eve Myles panel and that was simply great. Eve is such a warm-hearted,
honestly interested, lovely, funny and so beautiful woman, though sometimes a
girl too.
She had been
entertaining the whole crowd for a complete hour on her own, made the audience
laugh so hard and also cry a bit. Answering some questions she fell on her
knees and when she recognised it she smiled and said something like: ‘I feel like
being in a church.’ She had been so extraordinarily cute during the panel (and during
the whole convention) that everybody must have been fallen in love with her for
I got my first
picture with JB on this Friday, too. It was a huge queue but I managed to be
one of the first hundred. The shooting was tough planned so John held more or
less 1000 people in his arms on this day. ONE – TWO – THREE – GO!
John didn’t like that
behaviour of the photographer and the staff and complained about it in the
aftermath. The second shooting on the next day got even better and funnier.
Result of my first picture with him: HE looks good, I grin too much.
Then I followed the
John Barrowman panel and what can I say…he was great as always. First thing I
remember is the question about his favourite Disney Princess. He chose Arielle
because of her story.
Day Three – Saturday
Saturday almost
completely belonged to the awesome costumes. There were even more of them on this
day than the days before - maybe because of the costumes contest in the
So I met them all.
THE ALIEN I loved at first sight. It will always be my most scariest alien at
all and so I couldn’t get enough of watching the monster moving like the original
one. Really well done.
I have to admit I
don’t know all of the other aliens or movie characters that showed up. But
there were amazing creations. Of course, I recognised the well-known ones like
Captain America, Iron Man, Darth Vader, Lara Croft or the Klingons (a con
slogan this year was: ‘Keep Calm And Kling Off’).
But my favourite hero
I met at the con (besides the real Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper) was that guy
who cosplayed Wolverine. Oh my God, he was so cute! The moment I saw him I only
could think: I want him. Oh, okay, at least a picture with him. After a failed
try I got it. The first one wasn’t sharp enough (Not sharp enough? Am I
kidding?). I didn’t complain – the pain wasn’t that hard making another pic
with him. J

And then this young
couple came along and they were eye-catching. There had been many Doctors
(really good ones) at the con. But this young man blew me away. When we asked them for permission to make a
picture he turned away and grabbed the black glasses he had in his bag. When he
turned back they looked like this. Whenever the BBC needs a younger copy of the
10th Doctor – here he was. Just saying…
The only appointment
of my Saturday’s schedule was the second photo shooting with John Barrowman.
Because the first picture wasn’t convincing enough, so I wanted to try my luck
again. This time with a fun shoot. I bought bananas at the airport and took one
of them with me. I got my gun range pic with the Captain. Well, that's what it looks like when Captain Jack Harkness is showing me how to use a banana. It doesn't look as if I would hit any target that way, does it? I blame his fully charged 51st century pheromones...
My Saturday’s
schedule was finished. I decided to watch the costume contest which was great
fun since I wanted to see more people in fantastic disguises. Sadly my
Wolverine wasn’t in it. Sigh.
I stood for the Ben
Browder/Claudia Black panel (Stargate, Farscape) and that was a real good idea.
They both rocked the stage and the audience was laughing tears again.
When it was over I
took a seat with friends at the bar and then IT happened. John appeared again
and had fun doing silly things with his actor colleagues on the party stage and
in the bar. One of these things was kissing other people through the bar window
pane. Suddenly the space behind the window was free and I thought: Okay, why
not doing this, too, that’s my big chance…I headed out of the bar to the other
side of the window pane and knocked on it. The girls inside were screaming and
pointing at me and John turned around. He laughed and….drum roll… I got my
Captain’s kiss.
Uhm, well, it felt
like kissing the TV screen though. But the evening couldn’t get better any more for me.
When John Barrowman
left the bar we thought he’d go to bed as he said so to us. But actually he
didn’t. So the next day was…let’s say…exhausting.
Day Four – Sunday
Three hours of sleep
that night wasn't that bad - could have been less. I only wonder how many hours
John had slept.
Sunday was the day of
the autograph session for me. I was on a mission. There was this special banner
I wanted to get signed by John and Eve.
The queue at John’s
signing table got longer and longer. Eve was already signing, Casper Van Dien
came over and joked around and then, finally and one hour too late, John
A ‘Woohoo’ rolled
through the hall and John sat down, sunglasses on. He took them off later and
revealed a really tired hangover face. But he was smiling and took all his
courage to go through this bloody signing. When I reached him I could tell him
anything to write down that I wanted. He only did what he was told and tried
smiling – maybe to stay awake. It was hilarious.
Then I went over to
Eve and she completed my mission. So this signed banner is what I brought with
me as a present for the ‘creator’ of Project Torchwood. John wrote the ‘Project
Torchwood’ and the ‘Good luck’ part and signed. I explained a little bit more
to Eve so she was so lovely to put the Gwen line below.
Good day.
After sorting my
luggage (I had to reach my flight right after the Torchwood panel) I slipped
into the Starship Troopers panel. There was the little hope that John or Eve
would join again but Casper Van Dien said: No chance, John is in bed…
But for the Torchwood
panel John rose up from the dead again and gave a brilliant performance with
Eve. I loved the emotional part about his dogs (the question was asked by a
friend of mine) and at the end we got him singing and dancing with Eve.
And this is the point
my story ends. I watched the first part of the closing ceremony but had to
leave before the guests appeared again. I heard that I didn’t miss that much.
To sum it all up:
The FedCon was an
exciting and great experience that took me out of time and space into another
exciting time and space.
To quote Gwen Cooper:
I bloody LOVED it.
Picture sources:
Doreen, Nicole, Ralf
For the con I ordered dog tags for me. You can see me wearing them in the banana picture with John and in the one together with 'Wolverine'. I saw many people wearing these tags and I think it's a lovely idea because you can print on it whatever you like.
ReplyDeleteI don't know where 'Wolverine' got his dog tags from but I ordered mine here: