
Sunday 7 March 2021

Profiles Lady Christina deSouza by SF Cambridge


Torchwood Archive Character Profile: Lady Christina deSouza


Name: Lady Christina deSouza

Species: Human

Occupation: Higher ranking member of the aristocracy. Thief. 

Abilities: Trained in martial arts & acrobatics. 

Crimes: Stealing King Athelstan’s golden chalice from the London Museum. Stealing a red route master bus. Wanted criminal for other robberies. 

Location: Last seen in London, currently on the run. 

Bio: Lady Christina deSouza is not just your average jewel thief, nor is she your average member of the aristocracy, she is well known to the police by her pseudonym and calling card, “The Lucky Cat”.

It is unknown at this stage just how much Lady deSouza has stolen or what she does with the artifacts she takes as she isn’t a modern-day Indiana Jones, more of common thief who steals literally for the thrill of getting caught. Currently uncaptured and currently not a person of interest for Torchwood in her current capacity. She is however a known associate of “The Doctor” and all investigations into her whereabouts are now handled by U.N.I.T and this reason alone, now makes her a person of interest to Torchwood. 

Lady deSouza engaged with The Doctor on an alien planet made entirely of sand. With his help she saved the lives of 5 other people and quite possibly saved the Earth from destruction. However, this does not negate any of her past and quite possibly current crimes and she is still public enemy No. 1 and still very much wanted in connection to several museum robberies that have taken place since her past dalliance with The Doctor. 

IMPORTANT! We do not know if she is still in contact with him, but if she is then we would like to talk to her, to find out where he is, to find out if she has any way of contacting him or finding him. Earth is at risk and she may be the one and only person at this present time who can help. 

Other Information: Christina is not to be trusted! Eye witness accounts and the statements from those aboard the route master bus confirm that whilst they were trapped on the alien planet known as San Helios, she carried all manner of tools and equipment with her and she seemed to take over the situation aboard the bus to establish herself as the leader in a situation that did not seem to faze her at all. The other survivors of the interdimensional time travel which killed the bus driver, all feared for their lives at some point and some needed counselling afterwards. Lady deSouza however, maintained an air of ease and even excitement at times which did lead to some speculation that she wasn’t quite what she seemed. 

We have been unable to trace any living members of the deSouza family and only have one recorded record of her father’s death, but considering her own attempts at leading a double life, it is not to say that any information we have about her is accurate and as a foot note we advise caution around her and to notify Torchwood immediately of her whereabouts.

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