
Sunday 7 March 2021

Fans Fiction Stories of the Nightmare Child Chapter 5 - The Master Plan by Lady Mayhurst


Through time she fell, backwards, forwards, bouncing along her own timeline, reaching far beyond the beginning and the end of the known universe, thrown from era to era as she struggled to find a space in which to grow. Her heart exploding with the pain of losing a child, her mind splintered into a million fractions as she planned the arrival of the next whilst her soul was pulled apart and roughly stitched back together a thousand times over.

   She had only agreed to the breeding program when the War King approached her initially because although she was barely the human she was once born to be, she still harboured the visions of womankind and felt the need to reproduce offspring in her own image. All that she had seen, all that she had been witness to and been involved in, if she had known before Antipathy who the War King would become, maybe she could have warned the Doctor and maybe she could have saved herself and her son but instead she was torn apart by the time vortex and stitched back together as she fell through a crack in time and landed back on earth, back in her human form, back as the woman who had once been called Laura Tobin.

   How long she would stay like this was unknown as she had broken the laws of the physical and biological and rewound her DNA back to a time when it was remembered as human but because in this version of her former self, she was never human, how long she could sustain the illusion was unknown and the only thing that was known, was that she had very little time to get the job done.

   The job, the crude rudimental aggression of sexual activity that would plant a seed inside her womb and allow for a human child to grow led her to an alley way, to a seedy, filthy corner of London where night workers stalked lonely men for money enough to allow them to eat or feed their habits. The stranger in amongst the debris of life, giving herself freely to any man who wished to take her until one finally did.

   Over in moments, the hybrid side of her incubating the sperm quickly and swiftly so that the process of implantation and pregnancy began only minutes after the man had left. In those moments after, the illusion shattered and compassion once more took to time as she hid herself in the forgotten dimension inside a TARDIS, she stole from a Time Lord in a future that had not yet happened.

   Nine days was all it took to reach full term. Now fully restored as compassion but with holes in her memory banks and glitches in her system, she fed from the heart of the TARDIS and together they accelerated the pregnancy so that she became the first ever hybrid of her type to carry a human child.

   She hoped to repent the mistakes of Antipathy, she hoped to show the War King that his macabre ways of spawning an army of soldiers in her image would never come to pass and she hoped to leave the Doctor with the one thing he had lost as the Time War waged its fury on the universe, a child of his own, a child of his TARDIS, and 9 days later she fled again, hoping that she had given this child a chance and took them both to the shores of Gallifrey wanting to give her to the Doctor before her impending death that she had foreseen and laid down in the sand to die as the child was expelled from her womb, arriving years after the renegade Time Lord had already fled his home world.

 So, the Nightmare Child came to be. 

A creation of humankind, grown as a hybrid, to become her mother with the one thing she lacked, her humanity. A vision of motherhood warped by too many reincarnations that altered the DNA of the human child so that as she grew, she changed and reinvented herself with every milestone, connected to the Doctor’s TARDIS, connected to the Doctor himself, connected to time and able to control the universe.

   The Doctor knew this about Domina as he told her the story, he knew what she was and he knew that she had no idea of the power she held at her fingertips. One thing he did not know was that she was part of the master plan, or, part of the Master’s plan.

   When the War King told Compassion of his plans to dominate every race in the universe and wanted to use her as a breeding machine for a new army, he knew she would run and hide herself from him, he knew she would seek the Doctor’s help and he knew what she would do in order to breed a child she thought he could not have, yet it was he who planted the thoughts inside her head, warped her imagination and twisted her sense of belief and appeared to her back in time when she offered herself freely to the strange man in the alley way, because whilst he held Antipathy in his coma, waiting for the right time in which to unleash him back into the world, on his instruction, Compassion was breeding a machine to fight with him with, a nightmare of a child of his creation to fight alongside her brother and wage war on humanity and as time ticked on and the War King eventually became the Master, he stepped out of the shadows along the canal ready to claim his daughter, ready to tell the Doctor of what he had created of how she held every secret the Doctor had ever made and every detail of the universe that swam in and out of his head for they were both connected to the TARDIS, the very time machine he stood in but no longer recognised as his own as it warped as Domina warped through their connection for she had not hidden inside a broken TARDIS when she was a girl on the run from the Time Lords, the TARDIS had come for her and had stolen her away and the Master smiled as he waited for the nightmare to begin.

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