
Sunday 7 March 2021

Profiles Adam Smith by SF Cambridge


Warning! This document contains sensitive material and information from the Torchwood archives.


Name: Adam Smith

Species: Alien – Unknown 

Origin: The Void 

Age: Unknown 

Appearance: Adam looks like an average human male in his mid-20’s, whether this is his natural appearance or whether he can morph from species to species is unknown. 

Abilities: Adam has the power to infiltrate minds and place himself within your past memories purely by touch. This makes him dangerous as you would never know he had done this; you would only know whatever he wanted you to believe. 

Personality: Adam is a very insecure character with a need to be loved and remembered for doing great things. He wants to be the best friend, the shoulder to cry on, the rock of support and the ultimate loved one and he achieves all this by inserting himself into the memories of others so even though they may have only just met him, Adam could change their whole past to make it feel as if they have known him their whole lives. 

Adam has spent a vast amount of time in the void, the dead space between worlds where nothing exists. How he got there is unknown, as is the length of time he spent there before infiltrating Torchwood. It is thought that he came through a crack in the fabric of reality and assimilated himself to the human world by taking on a human appearance, therefore it is possible that Adam’s true form has no natural corporeal body. 

Crimes: Adam changed the personalities of all Torchwood employees in just 3 days. He made Toshiko fall in love with him and convinced her they had been in a year long relationship. He convinced Owen that he was jealous of their love affair and that he harboured secret feelings for Toshiko himself yet made him feel unworthy of her. He made Jack think he was his best friend and the only one he could rely on, tricking him into revealing past memories of his childhood for Adam to manipulate at a later date and he convinced Ianto that he was a murderer and killed innocent women. It was only when Gwen returned from her holiday with her partner that Jack began to suspect things weren’t quite right when on her first day back at work, she had no idea who Adam was as he had arrived whilst she was away and seemed genuinely worried as to what was going on. This was soon remedied when Adam placed his hand on her shoulder and fed himself into her memories by touch. Jack’s suspicion was even more aroused when in doing so, Adam inadvertently removed Gwen’s memories of her partner and she forgot all about him.  It was only after finding Ianto in a state of derangement when he thought that he had killed someone that Jack took matters into his own hands and found CCTV footage of Adam feeding himself into Ianto’s past. 

Current location: After revealing to the rest of the team who Adam was, Jack gave them all temporary amnesia pills so that they would forget him and everything that had happened in the few days he had been around. Adam only survives if he is remembered and so as everyone forgot him, he faded away and died. It is not known if he has gone for good or if he returned to the void.

Conclusion: These aliens may only exist in the void, they might be born there which would explain their need to become part of something else, something more than the feeling of emptiness. It is possible to feel sorry for them in some way and maybe if Adam had been more honest with his intentions then the Torchwood team may have been able to help him and find him a permanent home in the memories of another life, but Adam showed that he was untrustworthy when he twisted Ianto’s memories to ones of horror and admitted he got a rush out of the dark stuff implying that he had done it before. He also took Jack’s last good memory of his father and destroyed it as a pure act of wickedness meaning that whoever Adam really is, or how old he is or how long he has been in the void, it is possible that he is still a child among his own kind. One that likes to play very twisted, sinister games. 

This is the only image on file. If you see this man, if he is in your life, you need to contact Torchwood.


This file was created by Torchwood before we chose to forget.

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