
Sunday 7 February 2021

Who Reviews Stolen Earth and Journey's End by Kellie Shuttleworth


Starring David Tennant as The Doctor, Catherine Tate as Donna, Freema Ayeman as Martha, John Barrowman as Captain Jack, Gareth David-Lloyd as Ianto Jones, Eve Myles as Gwen Cooper, Elizabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith, Bernerd Cribbins as Wilf Mott, Jacqueline King as Sylvia Noble, Billie Piper as Rose Tyler.


Stolen Earth, continued from the preview episode, Turn Left.

Donna: “So I just met Rose Tyler?”
Doctor: “Yeah”
Donna: “But she’s locked away in a parallel world.”
Doctor: “Exactly. If she can cross from her world, to your parallel world that means the walls of the universe are breaking down. Which puts everything in danger, everything! But how?”

Starting with the Doctor and Donna landing back on Earth, on a Saturday, trying to work out what happened from the last episode to this one. They are inside the TARDIS as the Earth, and the TARDIS, starts to rumble. The Doctor opens the doors to the TARDIS, they are in space. They were fixed in time and space, but the Earth has somehow vanished!


On Martha laying on the floor, in New York, everything has fallen. They assume it was an Earthquake – they being UNIT - until they open up the blinds, looking up at the sky. 

Jumping to Cardiff, Torchwood Hub - Jack, Ianto and Gwen felt the rumble too, thinking it was the rift. Jack runs outside to find out exactly what it was. 

Jumping to Ealing, London, Sarah Jane and Luke felt it also. Suddenly it’s night time outside, even thought it was 8am seconds ago. Mr Smith informs her to look outside. 

Then, crossing over to Chiswick, London, Donna’s Grandad, Wilf and Mum are outside, looking up at the sky. All of them looking up at the sky, but the sky is gone. 

Next minute, Rose Tyler materialises, gun in hand, looks up at the sky. She knows there is trouble to come. As we see the sky, the sun has gone, the stars have gone… but planets are surrounding the Earth. 

Donna: “But if the Earth’s been moved, they’ve lost the sun! What about my Mum? and Grandad? They’re dead, aren’t they? Are they dead?”
Doctor: “I don’t know, Donna, I’m sorry, I don’t know… There’s no readings. Nothing” 

With all the Doctors friends left stranded on the Earth which has moved, the Doctor and Donna need to try and find out where it’s gone and try and get it back. He needs help, and fast, taking them to the Shadow Proclamation. Ianto, Jack and Gwen are together in the Torchwood base trying to find out what is going on, they have worked out that whoever has done it has kept the air and the heat inside the Earth’s atmosphere to keep the human race alive. Mr Smith with Sarah Jane has discovered not only that there are 26 planets including Earth, there is also something artificial in the centre of the planets. Something like a space station. Suddenly, there’s movement - space ships! Martha working in UNIT has discovered 200 objects heading for Earth. Martha was trying to call the Doctor, but there is no signal, there is NEVER no signal. 

Rose Tyler walking around the streets, everyone is going crazy not knowing what is going on, assuming it’s the end of the world breaking into shops trying to steal what they can. She comes across a computer and sees the spaceships heading towards Earth. Wilf is worrying trying to call Donna and no answer. Back to Jack, Martha is calling him trying to get hold of the Doctor. Martha and Jack are discussing something called ‘Project Indigo’ which is completely top secret.

Mr Smith has discovered a transmission coming through from the spaceships, putting it through to Sarah Jane and Luke, they instantly regret it when they heard the horrible voices of the Daleks… “Exterminate!” Sarah Jane instantly knows what’s wrong. Jack and Martha hear the same thing and start to panic. The look of sheer fear in their faces just gives you the indication of how much trouble they are all in. 

The Dalek spaceships cover the Earth, shooting down onto the planet, UNIT calling ultimate code red - War with the Daleks. Martha looks over New York as the Daleks shoot anything they can, everything in their way they are shooting. Daleks have taken Earth already and the Doctor knows nothing. 

The Doctor and Donna land at the Shadow Proclamation and is welcomed by the Judoon. Trying to get some help, he finds out that 24 planets have disappeared right across the universe, all difference sizes, some populated, some not. As they realise throughout the past episode of this series there has been mentions of other planets disappearing, including an Adipose breeding planet, they realise that they are not only being taken out space but also out of time as well. This makes them realise there were actually 27 planets missing. All the planets fitted together perfectly, creating a perfect pattern. The Doctor realised that a long time ago someone tried to move the Earth, but they couldn’t be the one to do it again, could they?

Jack: “The Valiant’s down…”

Ianto: “Airforce retreating over North Africa! Daleks landing in Japan.”

Gwen: “We’ve lost contact with the Prime Minister’s plane… Jack! Manhattan!” 

Daleks are hitting all the major places on planet Earth, including UNIT where Martha is stationed. Jack tells her to leave, but UNIT has other plans, whatever Project Indigo is that they mentioned earlier, it was time for them to put that into action, although it hadn’t yet been tested. Daleks invade UNIT straight away, exterminating most of the staff inside. Jack is trying to stop Martha using Project Indigo but is going to use it regardless. She works for UNIT and they need her to find The Doctor. If Martha can’t find the Doctor and there is nothing they can do, Martha’s boss gives her ‘The Osterhagen Key’. From the look on Martha’s face, it isn’t something good. Martha just about gets away before the Daleks invade where she is. Jack informs his team at Torchwood that Project Indigo is teleportation device without co-ordinates, so Martha is down! 

The Dalek ship, showing Dalek Caan who used to be part of the Cult of Skaro, appears on the ship. Half of his body has been taken away, showing exactly what is inside a Dalek, elevated away from everyone else. Talking strangely, he explains that the Doctor is coming!

The Doctor and Donna are still on the Shadow Proclamation; one of the ladies is talking to Donna, giving her some water, scaring Donna. The girl apologies for the loss which is yet to come. The Doctor is trying to work out if something going on with Earth, freak weather patterns or anything, could have indicated that something was going wrong. Apart from bees disappearing Donna couldn’t think of anything, but that was all the Doctor needed. The bees are from another planet, migrating bees heading home using The Tandocca Scale.

Doctor: “It’s wavelengths used as a carrier signal. Infinitely small! It’s like looking for a speck of cinnamon in the Sahara, but look! There it is. The Tandocca trail. The transmit that moved the planets used the same wavelength, we can follow it!”

Donna: “And find the Earth?! Well, stop talking and do it!”
Doctor: “I am!”

Both the Doctor and Donna run off, following the wavelengths. The Shadow Proclamation tries to stop The Doctor from leaving, because of a war that is about to come. He pretends to get her a key to the TARDIS before flying off following the little blip which he has to follow the Earth. 

Daleks are now making all the humans leave their houses. Wilf and Sylvia are hiding, but Wilf has got his paint gun ready, he wants to use it to blind the Dalek. One of the human families refuses to go with them, returning to the house, trying to save him and his children. The Daleks attack the house killing the man and his family inside. Wilf and Sylvia decide to leave and run away down the alley to another street where another Dalek appears. Wilf uses his paint gun hitting the eye of the Dalek but it dissolves and doesn’t stop him. The Dalek nearly exterminates them until it explodes and behind it Rose Tyler appears needing Wilf’s help. All in Sylvia’s home, Rose is trying to help to find Donna and The Doctor. Sylvia didn’t know Donna was travelling with him and she denies it, but with everything in the sky can she real deny it? 

The TARDIS arrives at the Madusa Cascade. A centre of a rift in time and space, the trail they had been using has stopped dead there. There is nothing he can do; The Doctor has given up. Earth surrenders to the Daleks. All the Doctor’s past companions and helpers are sat defeated until they all hear a beeping noise. A woman’s voice slowly comes through. 

Harriet: “Can anyone hear me? The Subwave Network is open. You should be able to hear my voice… Is there anyone there?”
Rose: “I know that voice.”
Luke: “Who’s that?”
Sarah Jane: “Some poor soul calling for help There’s nothing we can do.”
Luke: “But look at Mr Smith.”
Harriet: “This message is of the utmost importance. We haven’t much time can anyone hear me?”
Jack: “The whole worlds crying out, just leave it”
Harriet: “Captain Jack Harkness, shame on you! Now stand to attention sir!”

As the picture becomes clear, it is Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister. Coming through to Torchwood and Sarah Jane Smith, Rose can see her but cannot talk to her. The fourth contact has appeared. Rose thinks it hers, but instead Martha Jones appears on screen. She has been sent home with her Mum with the help of the Project Indigo device. Harriet had set up the Subwave network to help find anyone who can contact the Doctor and it was undetectable. Using the phone which Martha had left on the TARDIS, and using the Torchwood technology and Mr Smith to try and get every single phone on Earth to call the Doctor. Sadly, this lets the Daleks know exactly where Harriet is, putting her life at risk but to find the Doctor, she was going to sacrifice herself to find him. They all work together using the same number, using everything they can to get every single phone on Earth to call the Doctor. Sending a massive signal from the Rift in Cardiff. The Doctors phone rings on the TARDIS and the signal reaches him. The Doctor is ready to follow it, but the Daleks have found the signal too. It didn’t take them long to find Harriet. 

The Doctor follows the signal in the Tardis, and there they all are - the 27 planets which have gone missing. They were a second out of sync with the rest of the universe, and that phone call helped the Doctor pull him through. One the screen, the Doctor appears on the Subwave Network, with everyone else. But the Daleks manage to get access to the Subwave network; the Doctor thinks it’s Rose, but sadly not. It’s someone who is dead… DAVROS! He has returned, the creator of the Daleks. The Doctor tried to save him but he couldn’t, Dalek Caan did, making him insane, doing something which no one else could. Davros used his cells to create the new race of Daleks. The Doctor shuts down the video call and heads towards Earth, where they have found the Subwave network is heading towards Torchwood. Jack heads off, leaving Ianto and Gwen behind to find the Doctor, just as the Daleks decide to pay them a visit.

Sarah Jane managed to find the Doctor’s location, leaving Luke with Mr Smith she headed off to find him. Rose, at Donna’s house, also learns of the Doctor’s location, locking onto the TARDIS, she teleports out. The TARDIS arrives in the middle of a street on Earth, no people around. Rose appears, at the end of the street, the Doctor finds her and they both run towards each other ready for the reunion every fan wanted. Until the Dalek came creeping out from the corner and hits him. Jack arrives just in time to shoot the Dalek but it’s too late. Dragging him into the TARDIS, Donna doesn’t know about what the Doctor is about to do...

Sarah Jane runs into two Daleks who are going to Exterminate her… 

Daleks finally get into Torchwood ready to Exterminate them…. 

The Doctor…. He is regenerating. 

Journey’s End 

With the Doctor regenerating, everyone was shocked to see that he uses the hand (which is from previous episode The Christmas Invasion when his hand got cut off… in a later episode we discover that Jack has it in a jar as his ‘doctor detector’) to send all the regeneration energy into it, so that it stops him from regenerating. Jack, Donna and Rose stand watching in shock. 

Sarah Jane is sat in her car when two blue lights flash and come to her rescue - it’s Mickey Smith and Jackie Tyler, shutting both the Daleks down and saving her. 

In the Torchwood hub, as Gwen and Ianto are shooting at the invading Dalek, their bullets stop in mid air, creating a wall of bullets, not letting the Dalek get in, or anything getting out.

Doctor: “Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but soon as that was done, I didn’t need to change, why would I? Look at me! To stop the energy from going all the way, I siphoned off the rest into a bio-matching receptacle, namely, my hand, my hand there, my handy spare hand! Remember Christmas Day, Sycorax, lost my hand in a swordfight? That’s my hand!” 

And with that all sorted and done Rose and the Doctor finally got their reunion they wanted together. Daleks finally locate the TARDIS and used a temporal prison to lift the TARDIS straight onto the Dalek ships. Sarah Jane, Jackie and Mickey want to get to the same ship, so they put down their guns and walk up to the Daleks, surrendering to be taken away. Martha still has her teleporter, and the key, which she used to take herself to Gemany. 

The TARDIS arrives at the Dalek Crucible and with no power they cannot do anything but go out and face the Daleks. Donna stands on her own in the corner of the TARDIS, tears in her eyes, focused on something we don’t see. The Doctor is giving his end speech, to them all ready to hang up his coat and face the Daleks like he is going to die again, but for the final time. But that doesn’t happen. Donna stands in the TARDIS hearing a heartbeat, the door shuts, leaving her in there, the Daleks did not do it, no one knows what happened but the Daleks send the TARDIS off to be destroyed, Donna stuck inside. 

With the TARDIS is about to be torn apart, Donna is stuck inside on her own. The Doctor is begging the Daleks to get Donna out of the ship but they don’t do anything. Donna can see the Doctor’s hand glowing; something is calling her towards it. She leans over and touches the hand as the regeneration energy spreads around her and from that the jar explodes. From the hand, something starts to grow. The regeneration energy has grown another Doctor who used the TARDIS to disappear, just in time for it not to be destroyed.

The real Doctor is now stuck on a Dalek ship without his TARDIS, thinking Donna is dead. Jack tries to shoot the Daleks, but they end up exterminating him. Or so Rose thinks, she doesn’t know that Jack can’t die. The Doctor and Rose get sent to Darvos. 

With the TARDIS now flown away silently so the Daleks don’t know, the second Doctor and Donna seem to realise that something more has happened. 

Doctor 2: “I’m unique. Never been another like me. Cos all that regeneration energy went into the hand. Look at my hand! I love that hand! But then you touched it, wham! Ssh! Instantaneous biological metacrisis. I grew… out of you. Still, could be worse.”
Donna: “Oi! Watch it, space man!”
Doctor 2: “Oi! Watch it, Earth Girl!... Oh… I sound like you. I sound all sort of… rough. I must’ve picked up a bit of your voice, that’s all. Is it? Did I? No! Oh you are kidding me, no way. One heart. I’ve got one heart!” 

The second Doctor was now, part Time Lord, part human thanks to Donna. It all becomes a realisation that they were always heading towards this moment. The Doctor, Donna. The whole series, how they crossed paths so many times, all the coincidences throughout the series, they weren’t coincidences at all - they were all meant to be leading up to this point. Something drawing them together. 

Back to Germany to find Martha Jones, to find the base completely empty apart from one lady. Martha is ready to use the key, without us knowing what it does, you can tell it something MASSIVE, as the lady tries to shoot Martha to stop her from actually using the key, but she can’t. On the Dalek ship, they send Jack to be disposed off but of course he will not be easy to get rid of. He breaks out. Sarah Jane, Mickey and Jackie are now on the Dalek ship ready for testing. 

The Doctor and Rose are now with Davros, locked up in the holding cells, in the vault, more like a prison. Davros isn’t in charge of the Daleks anymore, he’s like a ‘pet’. He is keeping Rose alive, because of what Dalek Caan has seen. Dalek Caan saw time, the whole thing driving him crazy, foreseeing the future. Davros is getting ready to test something called ‘the reality bomb’. 

Sarah Jane and Mickey get sent to a testing room and find a way out as Jackie gets left behind, standing underneath the testing of the reality bomb. The planets start to illuminate. Jackie is standing below some green light and seems like there is no way out, until Mickey hears a beeping in his pocket. He realised that their transporters have started to recharge and she can get out of there just in time for everyone else to turn into green dust as part of the test. It dissolved every form of matter; all the planets became a transmitter blasting it across the universe. 

Davros: “Across the entire universe. Never stopping, never faltering, never fading. People and planets and stars will become dust, and the dust will become atoms, and the atoms wil become… nothing. And the wavelength will continue, breaking through the Rift at the heart of the Medusa Cascade into every dimension, every parallel, and every single corner of creation! This is my ultimate victory, Doctor! The distraction of reality itself!” 

The Daleks are going to wipe out every single life form and be the last ever race in existence. As Sarah Jane, Mickey and Jackie stand and watch what had happened, something metal crashes to the floor and out rolls Captain Jack following the life signs. Sarah Jane pulls out a necklace containing a Warp Star, to be used for the end of days. Martha is sat with her three other keepers of the Osterhargen key, they only need three to use the key but of course Martha wants to try one more thing. She patches herself through to the Daleks for Davros and the Doctor to see just as Dalek Caan predicted. He always keeps repeating one of the Children of Time will die. They patch the Doctor through to Martha, the Doctor has no idea what the key does until Martha explains that the Earth gets ripped apart and it’ sonly to be used if nothing can be done, the final option. Just as Martha explains to the Daleks what could happen, another internal video feed comes up - it’s Captain Jack Harkness and his gang, with the warp star attached into the mainframe ready to blow up the ship. 

Davros: “The man who abhors violence. Never carrying a gun. But this is the truth, Doctor! You take ordinary people and you fashion THEM into weapons. Behold your Children of time, transformed into murderers. I made the Daleks, Doctor. You made this!”

Davros is beginning to show the Doctor that so, so many people have died because of him. To help and to save him. The Supreme Daleks who aren’t with Davros decide to take matters into their own hands by transporting Martha, Jack, Mickey, Sarah Jane and Jackie into the vault alongside the rest of them. Once all the children of time are secure Davros gets ready to release the reality bomb. 

On the TARDIS the Doctor and Donna have found a way to solve the problem, booting the TARDIS up and flying it straight to the vaults, an impossible thing. The second Doctor comes running in with the gun they have made to stop what was about to happen. Davros quickly shoots him and stops him until Donna comes running out and is ready to do what he couldn’t, until Davros shoots her too sending her flying across the machine. Davros continues to use the reality bomb. The countdown has begun. 

Until Donna stands up, and nothing happens. She has shut down the system, stopping Davros and stopping the Daleks, blocking their weaponry.  The metacrisis happened both ways, The DoctorDonna! Just like the Ood predicted. She quickly let the Doctors out, getting to work! 

Donna: “Because you two where just Time Lords, you dumbos, lacking that little bit of human, that gut instinct that comes with Planet Earth. I can think of ideas you wouldn’t dream of in a million years! The universe has been waiting for me! Now, let’s send that trip-stitch all over the ship! Did I ever tell you? Best temp in Chiswick, 100 word per minute!”

Donna interferes with all the Daleks so they cannot do anything. Then they all start to send all of the planets back to where they belong. Reversing everything that the Daleks had put into place. But it seems that even the Daleks have been lying to Davros. Dalek Caan had been hiding some of the things which he had seen, to help the Doctor bringing everything together to stop the Daleks from winning.  

The Dalek supreme isn’t happy about what has happened, descending to the Vaults breaking the machine and leaving one planet behind… Earth. With the Doctor in the TARDIS trying to find a way to put the Earth back, the Doctor from the hand has found a way to kill every Dalek in the fleet, to stop them from ever trying to do anything else again. 

Using the TARDIS, all of the Doctor’s companions inside, and using the Torchwood rift, and Luke and Mr Smith looping it around the TARDIS, but with the help of K9. Each person on the TARDIS now has a job, flying the TARDIS like it was meant to be flown, with 6 pilots. And with the help of Torchwood and Mr Smith, they are able to loop the TARDIS around the Earth flying them back home where they belong. As a Doctor Who fan this scene is one of the most satisfying, and emotional scenes seeing all of the Doctor’s companions (from David Tennants era) together helping him do what he does best, saving the day. 

The TARDIS lands back on Earth, celebrating returning to where it belongs and dropping off his companions, saying goodbye once again. Sarah Jane leaves, going back to her son Luke. Martha goes back to UNIT, Jack back to his Torchwood team. Mickey Smith leaves the TARDIS instead of going back to his parallel world, but since his Gran passed away there isn’t anything there for him anymore, so he’s back, with Martha and Jack to stay on Earth. But that leaves one last thing to do. Take Rose and Jackie home, Bad Wolf Bay. But there was one more person to deal with, the Doctor from the hand. He killed all of the Daleks; he needs looking after by someone. A Doctor with one heart, who is part human, who can live with her and grow old with her, getting what she has always wanted. With the reality sealing itself off again, she wouldn’t be able to travel with the Doctor anymore. 

The Doctor and Donna return to the TARDIS, leaving Rose, Jackie & the Doctor from the hand behind on the world they belong on. Donna is ready to fly off in the TARDIS with the Doctor forever, until something happens. 

Donna: “Nah, never mind Felspoon. Know who I’d like to meet? Charlie Chaplin! Shall we do that? Shall we go see Charlie Chaplin? Charlie Chaplin? Charlie Chester? Charlie Brown, no he’s fiction, friction, fixing, mixing, Rickston, Brixton….Oh My God” 

Donna can’t deal with the pain inside her head, her brain can’t cope with the Time Lord’s knowledge. And there was only one thing which the Doctor can do to stop it from burning her up inside… 

He returns Donna home, to her family… (and I won’t say no more… SPOILERS!) 

Wilf: “I’ll watch out for you Sir. But every night, Doctor, when it gets dark, and the stars come out, I’ll look up… on her behalf. I’ll look up at the sky… and think of you.”

The Doctor leaves, on his own. Setting up the final episodes of David Tennant’s time as the Doctor. 

This episode is one of my all-time favourites, I’m a sucker for someone giving the fans what they want, and with this episode Russell T Davies gave the fans EXACTLY what they wanted. All of the TARDIS team back together! Seeing all of them fly the TARDIS together brings a tear to my eye every single time.

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