
Sunday 7 February 2021

Who Reviews Daleks in Manhattan by Kellie Shuttleworth


Starring David Tennant as The Doctor & Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones


Martha:That’s so brilliant. I’ve always wanted to go to New York. I mean, the real New York, not the New New New New New one.”

The Doctor:Well, there’s the genuine article.”

Tallulah, a stage girl, is ready to perform. Her loved one Lazlo gives her a white rose before she goes on, a symbol of his love. Standing in her dressing room once she’s gone on, he sees something in the corner of his eye. It runs past him and he follows, trying to find out exactly what it is. Snorts come from within the shadows, the sewer cover opens. He follows it backstage. The door shutting behind him, something leaps out of the shadows and takes him.

The Doctor and Martha land right in front of the Statue of Liberty. Visiting the original New York after they had been to New, New York before. Landing on the 1st November 1930, before construction had finished on the Empire State Building. It was supposed to be a short visit, a tour of the city, until they found a newspaper with the headline ‘Hooverville Mystery Deepens’ and the Doctor and Martha are drawn in. They couldn’t leave a good mystery unsolved.  Hooverville is the makeshift village which was situated in the middle of Central Park.  Built by people, for people who had lost everything, who couldn’t pay for their food or rent, so became stuck living out of tents. Going there because they had nowhere else to go.

From inside the Empire State Building, the workers are being pushed to go faster by the new masters, trying to get the mast fitted by that night. Once the worker has refused, giving attitude to Mr Diagoras (who is working with ‘the Masters’), he decides to show the worker exactly who he is working for. Calling up the elevator, it slowly rises to reveal exactly who the master is! DALEKS! Daleks, followed by 2 pig men, dragging the worker into the elevator to replace him and use him for the final experiment. 

Daleks: The Empire State Building must be completed in time”
Mr Diagoras:It will be trust me, Labour is cheap, and that man can be replaced.”
Daleks: The plan must not fail. We calculate the Gamma strike has accelerated. We need more bodies. Immediately!” 

Mr Diagoras appears at Hooverville trying to recruit some more workers. With the Daleks instruction, they need humans for something. Using the excuse of a collapsed sewer, he tries to get as many of them as he possibly can. With The Doctor, Martha, Soloman and a young man volunteering, Mr Diagoras takes them to the sewers and directs them to the place of the ‘collapse’ sending them into danger. Along the short walk they find something that looks like a jellyfish on the floor. The Doctor picks it up to investigate and it’s obvious that is isn’t human. In the meantime, back at the top of the Empire State Building, the workers are given the new panels to put on top of the spire in time for that night. The panels look exactly like the base of the Daleks. With Mr Diagoras’ working so close with the Daleks, he gets summoned by the leader. 

In the sewers, the Doctor and Martha finally discover that there was no collapse and come across something else, someone else… one of the pig men who have been seen with the Daleks. He was all alone, hiding. Suddenly, lots more pig men arrive, the Doctor and Martha decide to run. Getting out of the sewers, they emerge in the backstage area from where Tallulah works. Laszlo was now missing; she has to carry on working. She had reported him missing but no one would care about someone like him.  Solomon has returned to Hooverville ready to get his friends to arm themselves, protecting them from what had taken the others. Now he had seen it for himself, he wants to try and stop as many people disappearing as possible.

Dalek:This is the Final Experiment”
Mr Diagoras: What do you mean? D’you mean like these Pigmen things? You’re not gonna turn me into one of those, oh God, please don’t…”
Dalek:The Pig Slaves are primitive, The Final Experiment is greater by far. We need your flesh” 

Daleks have another plan for Mr Diagoras. They need him to complete something which is going to help the future of Dalek-kind. Instead of turning him into a Pig slave like he imagined, they are using him for something else. He did everything the Dalek asked and because he did that, they see it as something great so they are using him. Where Mr Diagoras didn’t want any of this to happen, he thought doing what the Daleks wanted would get him on their good side, instead he is being punished.  With the Doctor trying to figure out what the jellyfish thing is they found in the sewer, Martha spends some time with Tallulah watching her perform when she notices someone on the other side of the stage. Martha cuts across the stage, trying to hide behind the performers as she goes. Chasing after a Pig Slave, she gets captured and taken. 

The Doctor, finding out where the ‘jellyfish thing’ has originated from, and Martha now missing he jumps back into the sewers to find out exactly what is going on and to find Martha. Tallulah follows him and decides if she can find Lazlo with the Doctor’s help then she is going along. It isn’t long before they have to quickly duck and hide before the Dalek appears.  Finally finding the Pig Slave that Martha was chasing, the Doctor persuades him to show them exactly where they have taken Martha. The Dalek and the Pig Slaves have captured some people including Martha, ready to separate everyone depending on their intelligence. Once the Dalek had split them up, the Doctor manages to slip his way into the group being led by the Daleks to get taken to the laboratory as part of the final experiment.  

Martha: “What’s wrong with old Charlie Boy over there?”
Doctor: Ask them.”
Martha:What, me? Don’t be daft.”
Doctor:I don’t exactly want to get noticed. Ask them what’s going on.” 

With them both now back together and in the Dalek’s laboratory, Martha now needs to confront the Daleks so the Doctor can stay hidden. With the final experiment coming, and Dalek Sec along with Mr Diagoras’ body, the Dalek is evolving into something, without the shell. 

Ending on the cliff-hanger it does, it really makes you NEED to watch the next episode straight away. It’s a bit of a slow builder but once it gets going you have to watch the second episode to find out exactly what is going on and how can the Doctor and Martha solve this problem? I loved the new invention of the Daleks which this episode brings. Continues with ‘Evolution of the Daleks.’ 

The Doctor:They Survive. They always survive, while I lose everything.”


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