
Sunday 7 February 2021

Articles Welcome to Issue 88 Miracle Day: WATNOW: The Blood Line


Issue 88

 Contents Guide


Where Are They Now: The Blood Line Cast?

 Beyond the Hub

Designated Survivor Review



Fans Fiction

The New Adventures of Lady C – The Early Years

The Eternal Diamond, Part One

S. Florence


Day 5 Children of Earth

 Who Reviews

Hungry Earth & Cold Blood

SF Cambridge

Daleks in Manhattan

Stolen Earth

Kellie Shuttleworth

Revolution of the Daleks

The Story of Martha

DJ Forrest

Revolution of the Daleks

Tony J Fyler

 Torchwood Reviews

The Crown

Rhys & Ianto’s Excellent Barbecue

The Three Monkeys

Red Base

 Tony J Fyler


Editors Note

Funny old world! Still in Lockdown – those of us who aren’t key workers. Torchwood never rests and neither do we. Even if we feel as if hibernating would be a wonderful thing to do right now. 

2020 initially held a little hope for a good year but then the virus hit, and it hit as hard as it could possibly strike, and loved ones were lost, and many more were fighting for their lives in hospitals so full to capacity that many NHS staff were close to breaking point. Fuckwits were still parading the streets as if this was just a mild case of the flu, infecting thousands in their wake. 

We lost a good many people from the world of television and even old Captain Tom Moore was taken at the beginning of the second month of 2021. Such a beacon of hope and a National Hero. 

So, what can we say about 2021 but, we’re still here, and we’re not going anywhere, and as soon as we’ve fixed this issue, I’m going to hide the bloody Rift key so that this doesn’t happen again? Just need a good hiding place. Suggestions welcome. 

It’s good to be back and we’ve got quite a bumper edition for you this month. With stories, reviews, our usual and our final COE locations. 

S Florence has returned with more Lady C stories, and The Eternal Diamond will whet the appetite for more. 

Outlander is our new Connections, and it’s quite amazing just how many cast of Who, Sarah Jane and indeed Torchwood there were in the series. Far more than I expected. 

We have two reviews of Revolution of the Daleks for you. I rewatched the episode and this time with subtitles and changed my initial response to it. But I do agree with Tony’s review, especially regarding Captain Jack and the battle on the bridge. 

Overall, I did enjoy the episode.

We have a new Who writer by the name of Kellie, please make her feel welcome.

I have a feeling someone has been tinkering with the Rift Manipulator again – it’s trying to snow– oh wait, that’s what happens in Winter.

Thank you as ever to my awesome team, who without their support, would see this little blogzine stuck in the void!


Stay safe and see you back here in March.



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