
About Us

The Team

Captain Djak~ (Creator/Editor/Writer/)
I'm Djak, I’m creator and editor in chief of the website, and am owner of a Weevil – who can be quite a handful at times and has a penchants for Strawberry Ice Cream and chocolate. 
I’ve always been a fan of the Whoniverse ever since the Daleks invaded my living room and I watched my first episode from behind the sofa.  Daleks, Davros and bubble wrapped sleeping bags – yes, I was scared of the weirdest of creatures.
I’ve worked as an Extra in two independent films. Zombies Have Fallen, a zombie horror film which can be found on Amazon Prime sometime soon. And Native Son starring Sean Harris of Prometheus, which can't be found anywhere. Sadly. 
I enjoy writing for Project: Torchwood and always want to learn more about the people in front of and behind the camera. I'm also still writing my first sci fi novel along with copious others that pop up at the most inconvenient of times. 

Joshua - Resident Weevil (mascot)
Joshua doesn’t involve himself in the running of the website, but he does like to get involved in research and outings, although after losing him in the shopping mall when an ice cream vendor set up a stall selling a vast amount of Strawberry Ice cream, we’ve had to keep him on a tight leash since. He is a real handful and can be a menace to the rest of the team who complain of missing candy bars, fruit drops and chocolate and he’s not too good with alcohol either.  We now have a lock and pass code for the fridge!!!  

Tony J Fyler ~SontaWithaHat~(Who/Torchwood/Big Finish Reviewer+)

Tony Fyler's a Welshman by birth, a Sontaran by body, and a who-fan with forty years behind the time console (Destiny of the Daleks, Episode 1. Line that got me - 'Ooh - rocks!'). He fell into journalism as an alternative to working for a living, and now spends his days telling people what's wrong with their novels for money.

An unashamed fan of both Classic and New Who, he's a Sontaran of strong opinions and will defend them with words, eclair-grenades, laser-guided exposition-bombs, and when necessary, even with ballistic bloodsheep.

Matthew Rabjohns (Who Reviewer and Fiction writer)
I am 33 years old. I do have Aspergers Syndrome. But I am not an idiot! I do love Doctor Who though. I’m wild on the show, almost every aspect of it! The TV series, the books, the Audio Dramas! I’m nuts about the show. I'm sure my list of nicknames given to me by my family could be entered in the Guinness Book of Records!! I will only share a few to avoid huge embarrassment: Click, Eduardo Wobble Chops and Mattrick. But I also have been called Matt the Cyberman!! I'm not an emotionless machine creature though! I would say I am approachable and friendly actually. However, the Cybermen are my favourite Doctor Who villains! I spend my time caring for my Dad who is severely disabled. It's a wonderful job. I also randomly just love Macaroni Cheese and Lasagne and Apple Juice...and poetry writing is a big pastime of mine. So, I'm highly interesting, as you can read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff Goddard (reviewer/writer)
I’m a lifelong Doctor Who fan, ever since I started watching in 1980 with the Leisure Hive at the tender age of three and three quarters. I’ve pretty much lived and breathed it ever since, with some geeky and musical diversions along the way.

I make dodgy fan art, digitally and the occasional doodle (such as my Davros bobble head doodle, the original drawing of which I gave to Terry Molloy when I met him), but will be mostly providing words here at Project: Torchwood with my short stories set in the Doctor Who universe. I was also very lucky to have a very short story chosen by Sophie Iles to be included in her recent ‘Mild Curiosities’ charity fanzine and had one of my digital pictures published by Doctor Who magazine recently.

My wife and daughters are both long suffering and very supportive of my Doctor Who obsession, but at least it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble…. Nine times out of Ten.

Tiziana DF (Graphic Artist)

I'm Tiziana and I'm Italian. I'm a Woodie and a Whovian for more than 10 years. Love watching TV series and movies, especially Sci-fi but also other genres.

Anyone who knows me, even only a bit, knows I'm a big fan of John Barrowman and love anything related to him.

I also love making photo edits and gifs and I have a Redbubble store where there's a lot of Torchwood, Doctor Who but also other stuff.

TizianaDF Shop | Redbubble
TizianaDF is an independent artist creating amazing designs for great products such as t-shirts, stickers, posters, and phone cases.

Our Contributors.

German Translator – Alison Balmforth,
Guest Writers – Justin Walters, Carol Drinkwater
Additional Contributors:
Dawn Chrisoffersen, Gemma Griffin, Claudia Lindner, Kate Mora, Antje Strauch, Sandy Deck, Chloe Robertson, Betty Dee, Gabriela Phalempin, Jo Rita Raymer, Doreen Freitag, Kirsty Price, Marco Donati, William Green, Steve Taylor Bryant, Rachel Barcoe, Susan Bomkamp, Tom Clarke and Simon Mallinson, Reece Morris Jones, John Bond, Steven Barber, Alex Wylie, Jeffrey Zyra

Special Thanks to:  Mickie Newton for whose work helping me set up the website, and designing all the background and much of the banners etc, would not have been possible without her continued support. Thank you mate. 

Thanks to Andrew Creak who took up the reins after Mickie stepped down from her role of Graphic artist, and created a few covers before uni called him back to full time education. 

Christopher E. Fain for awesome reviews and those wonderful stories featuring a host of characters from well known dramas and sci fi. Thank you for being a wonderful addition to our team and all the best for the future. 

Sharon Seymour for some awesome front covers. Can't thank you enough!

Nikki Forrest who taught me how to make additional covers using online apps. And who also created some awesome covers herself. Thank you!

Specials: Paul Kasey for some cool photos!  James Moran for one email that really helped!

Special thanks to Jim Wilkins from InPrint Comics who designed our poster and our caricatures of our favourite Torchwood and Who characters. Diolch yn fawr!
And to all of our wonderful guests – thank you!

The Torchwood Logo and mentions of the Torchwood name throughout the website does not belong to me, I do not own the copyright nor do I have any affiliations with the Torchwood group or the BBC.  All I do have is deep respect for all the people involved in putting the series together and sharing it with the world.  Thank you!
The same applies for Doctor Who. 


  1. Nice to see the friendly faces behind this great team

  2. Yes, they are really a very nice team!

  3. We appreciate all of our readers!

  4. Just discovered your site and cannot wait to see what treasures you have to offer!!! Thank you so much for keeping Torchwood alive and well.

    1. Diolch! Torchwood as much as Doctor Who is a show worth keeping alive, there are still avenues to explore with this show and I'm not ready to give up yet. So while there are still fans out there with the passion to keep the flame alive, then we'll still be here feeding the fire!
