
Sunday 13 June 2021

Articles Welcome to Issue 92 - The Ninth is Back!


Contents Guide


Big Finish Reviews+

Ninth Doctor Adventures, Vol 1

Third Doctor Adventures, Vol. 7

First Doctor Adventures, Vol 5

Avalon, Vol 1

By Tony J Fyler

The Dalek Protocol

by Matt Rabjohns


Beyond the TARDIS

Enemy of the Bane

By Andrew Allen


Fans Fiction

Lady C Adventures – The Missing Wellington, Part One

By Samantha Stanley & Harriet Chamberlain



Captain Jack Harkness

By Djak Forrest


Who Reviews

The Face of Evil

The Masque of Mandragora


By Matt Rabjohns




Editor’s Note 

On a morning full of hayfever and a left arm recovering from the final COVID jab, it’s the last read through before the launch of Issue 92, and I can’t help feeling a sense of excitement. The Ninth Doctor, the actual Ninth Doctor, has returned and sets the wheels in motion for a splendid if not brilliant first outing with Big Finish. I for one, cannot wait till next payday for a chance of listening to some awesome audios. 

Not only that, but this month, Tony has surpassed himself with not one but three more Doctor volumes to enthral you with. New volumes to salivate at and fill shelves where once paperback novels sat, but now make way for audio containers, unless, you’re more of a download freak!!! 

Andrew has set aside his own Doctor Who novel to bring us more Sarah Jane reviews, don’t miss that, and Matt returns after a long break to bring us a Fourth Doctor Big Finish review alongside some Classic Doctor Who TV episodes to recall from years ago. Some, even I remember from the off. 

Lady C returns for another adventure, this time written by two more fans of the series, Samantha Stanley and Harriet Chamberlain. Do check out this story. I can absolutely recommend it. 

Our profile this month is our illustrious leader of Torchwood Three – Captain Jack Harkness. It may seem that we’ve skirted around a few sides of his character, but believe me, if we didn’t, we’d still be writing till the sun exploded.

Tiziana has once again created a brilliant front cover for us, with the Ninth decorating the scene once again.  

So, pack a flask and some serious filling for your sandwiches. Saddle up and let the reading commence. We’ll be back next month with more exciting reviews, and hopefully a little extra. 

Stay safe and stay well. 



Welcome to Issue 92

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