
Thursday 6 May 2021

Profiles George by Alice Diggle


Torchwood Archive Character Profile: “George”


Name: George Thompson

Species: Tenza

Occupation: Alien Symbiotic

Abilities: A psychic field and a perception filter which was used to convince his human parents that he himself is human. George's psychic abilities caused his thoughts to manifest and alter reality.

Crimes: Although it cannot be documented as a crime as all victims involved were returned to normal, George was responsible for kidnapping 2 adults from his housing estate, locking them in a dolls house in his bedroom wardrobe and turning them into dolls. This was done though fear of rejection and neglect from his human parent’s and so the actions undoubtably come from the mind of a frightened child.

Location: Bath, in Somerset.

Bio: Tenza are by species, children and are born in space, where they drift until they find a habitable world and a family that they could live with and infiltrate. The Tenza infant would adapt itself to suit its environment which would mean altering the memories of the parents it chose to “adopt” so that they assumed the child was biologically theirs. In the case of George, the Tenza child disguised itself as human and as the only child of Claire and Alex Thompson.

We do not know a lot about this species or why the Tenza forget who they really are after assimilating with their adoptive families but it seems this way especially in the case of George where he thought himself to be human and had no idea, he was in fact alien.

If the Tenza felt threatened, its telepathic abilities played havoc with its environment to keep it safe casing reality to change either physically or part mentally so that only the child would experience it. Some professionals would claim this to be part of the autistic spectrum which would lead us to enquire just how many children on the spectrum are actually Tenza as we have no way of knowing or documenting this and so far, George is the only one, we have encountered.

 As the Tenza had advanced, though subconscious, psychic powers, allowing them to live among other species then it could be said that maybe they have no corporeal body until they find a surrogate family, that they are just mass or light until they find a planet and species in which to give them form. Were they a race before they advanced? Did they have their own planet, did they live peacefully for years until their resources ran out? Is this why they decided to spread their young across the stars, in the hope to save their species? We have no way of knowing this! 

It is clear though that the Tenza child in any species form would display different characteristics to what is considered normal for that race.  Again, as far as human children are concerned, this could mean that the child has a medical condition which is why its hard to document the existence of Tenza on Earth, but in the case of other alien races who clone children rather than birth them to all look and behave the same way, if one of their offspring were to act differently especially in times of trouble, fear and panic then we could document the amount of Tenza across the stars, but this is yet to become practice. 

IMPORTANT! Whilst we think the Tenza are for the majority a pretty benign race, we can’t help but wonder why they seek to infiltrate other species rather than live among themselves and why they forget their origins on assimilation. Could this be another sleeper agent scenario? We just don’t know. 

Other Information: The Doctor in his 11th regeneration first encountered George in 2011 when he was 8 years old. He had somehow managed to make contact with the Doctor’s psychic paper asking for help, although that we can assume was the underlying Tenza and not George himself. The family Gorge had adopted were having trouble with him as a human child because he seemed to be behaving in odd ways. At this point they assumed George was their own son but their memories started to unravel with a visit from the Doctor who made them remember that they in fact could not biologically have children of their own and so it is assumed that the Tenza felt their need to have a child and that child became George. The couple have since accepted him for who he is and decided to keep him as their own.  Does this make the Tenza a peaceful race or does it make the human race an easy target?  Unless we can find more of them, we might never know the truth. 

The Doctor had promised to revisit the family at the time of puberty as he stated it would be a difficult time. This must mean he knows much more about the species than we do and we hoped that he might share this information with us.


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