
Thursday 6 May 2021

Interviews The Nathan Wyburn Interview by DJ Forrest



Have you always made portraits from bits and pieces of anything? 

Nathan: For the past decade yes! I love using everyday items that anyone kind of has laying around or are easily accessible in a supermarket! 

Were you always interested in alternative art? What or who got you into alternative art? It's really impressive.

Nathan: Thank you! It was always portraits; Andy Warhol was a huge inspiration. The alternative (weird) art began with a toast and Marmite portrait of Simon Cowell! Then I was hooked! 

Do you create your pieces in a controlled area? (As in, if you're working with soil and it's a windy day outside, would that hamper your work, and so you'd work indoors?) 

Nathan: There’s a lot to think about! Wind, birds stealing my toast... haha! Things many artists wouldn’t have to consider but I find that’s the fun of it! I love location pieces but also my studio, is my happy place! 

When you're working with any piece of art, especially when you're creating your toast and marmite portraits, do you work from a sketch first, or do you know exactly which piece is going to go where? 

Nathan: I pretty much go straight for it, if I’m filming, I’ll sketch some outlines if it’s on a canvas for guidance - but if it’s food, generally just dive right in! 

Where did your imagination begin for art work? 

Nathan: A newspaper headline about Simon Cowell that said you love him or hate him... I thought MARMITE! Then began the journey... pizza, chocolate, make up etc it all happened! 

Did you ever expect it to take off into, say a full-time job? 

Nathan: Not at all. I think that’s always a worry for creatives, I use social media as my gallery and I think that’s helped a lot along the way - as well as a good few TV appearances. 

How much preparation time do you do between each portrait? 

Nathan: Next to nothing to be honest - I work so fast and I have to be on the ball with what current events I’m depicting. It’s very impulsive and reactive to world events and celebrity stories. 

Have you been commissioned to create artwork for anyone in the Who/Torchwood world? 

Nathan: Not for the specially but by fans or events such as Wales Comic Con etc!I’ve created portraits of Russell T Davies using fake blood fingerprints based on his latest series It’s a Sin. I’ve made John Barrowman by literally torching wood... several Eve Myles artworks, Billie Piper in lipstick, David Tennant on a pizza... the list goes on! 

What is the biggest challenge when you're creating art pieces? What challenges have you experienced or faced when putting together an exhibition of your work for the public? 

Nathan: Every day is a new day on the job for me. I love trying out new things. Mostly it’s just weather challenges or kids trying to steal the food haha! Nothing too serious but that’s part of the fun!! 

Aside from the art work, do you work in any other capacity? 

Nathan: Yes, I have a radio show on Radio Cardiff, I do a lot of charity work and also sing a little bit too. I’d love to present my own art show! 

Who is your inspiration for your artwork? 

Nathan: Andy Warhol mostly - but my ideas come from world news and current affairs. 

As I'm sure you're a big fan of Torchwood, or of Eve Myles, have you ever met any of the stars of the show - with living in Wales, you must have seen a few, out shopping maybe :D I loved your Keeping Faith art of Eve. That was amazing. 

Nathan: Thank you! Eve has become a good friend, which is so lovely to be able say. Also, I converse with Russell a lot online - he’s such an incredible talent! I’ve met all of the cast at different points, at the BAFTA’s, in theatre or whilst working at Con’s. 

When you're not working on any project, how do you relax? Or are you always planning your next project? 

Nathan: Always thinking and planning! But I’m a big fan of long walks and a good hot bath!!! 

For many, the lockdown's have been pretty hard. I'd imagine for yourself; Lockdown has been a kind of blessing - plenty of projects to keep you going - but have there been any dark days when you've felt pretty low - how did you resolve them? 

Nathan: Yes. More so at the start it was just such a worry with all my travelling and work getting cancelled. But I locked myself in my studio - and created work about the world changing! There was nothing else to do! I’m proud to say I’ve made some of my favourite work in this time and kept myself going pretty well!! People needed ART! 

What are you looking forward to once Lockdown is lifted and we're all vaccined? 

Nathan: Travelling! Making art all around the world and having a good ole party! 

With your images of John Barrowman, Russell T Davies, and Eve Myles, I have to ask - are you a fan of Torchwood? 

Nathan: Of course!! I loved it the first time round and watched it all again on BBC iPlayer during lockdown!!! 

Eve Myles holding a baby whilst shooting guns... perfection! 

What advice would you give someone who wanted to start creating artwork today? 

Nathan: Just be true to you! Make work that means a lot to you and you can’t go far wrong. 

If you could meet your 12-year-old self, what advice would you give him? 

Nathan: Keep working! You’re in for a hell of a ride if you just believe in yourself!! 

Did I hear that you're going to be in a film about one of your events? Can you tell us more about that? 

Nathan: Sure, it’s already been press released last year which is exciting. Eve Myles is writing a Christmas movie about one of my events I put on with my best mate and radio co presenter Wayne. It was called Dragged To Church. It’ll be based upon how the church approached two members of the LGBTQ community (us) for help to raise money for essential repairs. We gathered local drag queens to put on a festive show like no other. It was joyous and ground-breaking! We are so excited to be working with Eve. She’s an icon! 

And finally, what would be your biggest ambition as an artist? 

Nathan: To have my own art show and to make a difference. 

Diolch yn fawr Nathan.

If you want to find out more about Nathan and his artwork or follow him on social media, here are a few links you might need. Also look out for him in the Cardiff Life Magazine and tune in to Radio Cardiff.

Twitter, Facebook & Instagram @NathanWyburnArt


Columnist at Cardiff Life Magazine

Presenter at Radio Cardiff

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