
Thursday 6 May 2021

Articles Welcome to Issue 91 - The Nathan Wyburn Interview May Edition


 Issue 91

 Contents Guide


Who Reviews

The Shadow of Weng-Chiang

by DJ Forrest


(Torchwood) Reviews


by Tony Fyler




Luke Smith

Steven Carter

By Alice Diggle


The Nathan Wyburn Interview


Fans Fiction

The Eternal Diamond part two

By S. Florence

Big Finish Reviews+

Doomsday Contract

Return of the Cybermen

The Lone Centurion

By Tony J Fyler

Beyond The Hub

Sad Farewell to Faith Howells



Editors Note 

Launching at a time of Election Fever, but in this crazy world we live in, will it make much difference as to who wins? We’ve all voted on Joshua Weevil winning – so he can learn to clean up his own mess – however…. likely one of us will draw the short straw. 

We’ve some brilliant reviews again this month, from the pen, or keyboard of Tony J Fyler. Alice Diggle has some interesting Profiles, and S Florence delights us with more Lady C Adventures. I love those stories. 

We caught up with Nathan Wyburn recently for an interview. Owen has been trying to replicate a Marmite version of Captain Jack but its had dire consequences – the Weevil ate it – and I’m really not cleaning that up!!! 

Special thanks to Nathan for the Interview and sharing his wonderful photos. 

We say a sad farewell to Faith Howells too, be sure to check out Djak’s review of the series, the highs and lows and the ‘reach for the hankies’ moments. 

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this month’s Issue, and we look forward as ever to more next month. We are still on the lookout for Location writers to complete our Miracle Day section if you fancy having a go? Possibly someone from the US of A, with knowledge of the area, and how to write directions on how to reach them. 

Without any further ado, welcome to Issue 91.



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