
Sunday 7 March 2021

Articles Fans of John Barrowman


Of course, don’t just take our word for it, regarding John Barrowman, or indeed, Gareth David-Lloyd in this month’s celebration of these two cool stars of Torchwood. Here are what some of the fans have to say about them. 


“The first time I met John was about fifteen years ago. It was when he was doing a book tour with Carole, the first time round. 

I begged my boss at the time for the day off so I could go, and surprisingly she said yes. Thankfully! John wasn’t due to arrive till 2pm, but something told me to go and wait early. Boy I am glad I did. I got there about 10am, and the queue was already at the end of the store.  I met a few new people and have actually kept in touch since then. 

The second time I met him was at his second book signing. I was kinda ill, which put a dampener on the day. 

But the best time I ever met JB though?  I woke up to a text from my friend telling me JB was in town, filming Antique Roadshow with Myleen Klass. I got up, and raced into town. Luckily town is only 5 minutes down the road from my house. We talked for a while, and he told me he was learning BSL for his deaf fans. 

Then proceeded to shout after me as I was leaving... um dude?” 


Photos courtesy Kirsty Price



“I've met Barrowman a couple of times. John is an awesome man. He's always so nice and patient and such a big kid. It's like meeting a fellow fan. He gives great hugs too.” 


Photo courtesy Katherine Pozarek



Ruthy of Torchwood Australia

I have been a fan of Torchwood since Captain Jack Harkness first appeared in Doctor Who.  And let's face it, who wouldn't love a character like Captain Jack??? 

I got heavily involved with the fandom when I took over the Torchwood Australia Website and Forum in 2008. 

I have met the entire Torchwood team at various conventions and I first met John Barrowman personally at one of the Hub Conventions in Northampton.  I had seen him in concert prior to this, both in Cardiff and in London.  I have to add, and I think most Torchwood Convention goers would agree, those Hub Conventions were the best to attend.... they were just so up close and personal and far surpassed any event that has been held since.  I've been very lucky to attend fan events worldwide, in the UK, Canada and Australia. 

John is always in fine form and very generous with his time.  I remember going to Supanova Sydney with my friend Caroline, and how John donated some signed photos for a couple of her students who were massive fans (Caroline is a school teacher) - John wanted to know all about them, and he had a great chat with Caro.  And at that particular event, we went to the VIP night and I think we spoke to Scott most of the time.  It was wonderful to finally have a chance to have a good chat with him, especially as John was surrounded by a lot of people so you couldn't really get near him anyway.  I think it might've been this Supanova event when the Tim Tam towers took off - I think John should've bought shares in Arnott's Biscuits!!!

One of the most amazing nights 'with John' was when he performed a one-off concert in my home state of Queensland in Australia.  He performed this concert in 2019 at the Concert Hall, Queensland Performing Arts Complex, Brisbane - this is a beautiful venue, quite intimate, with gorgeous acoustics.  I had seen him in concert a number of times in various places in the UK and I wondered how this concert would go, being that he would have musicians backing him who weren't his usual crew.  He did though have Matthew his Musical Director with him on keyboard, and who oversaw the entire show.  I must say, our local musicians were brilliant, and I REALLY enjoyed the entire concert.  It was a great night - we weren't permitted to take any photos during the concert, but in a way, this was lovely not to have the distraction of photo taking.  My friend and I had VIP tix, so we attended the meet and greet after the concert, and had drinks and nibbles, and a photo taken with John. 

It was probably the most memorable night with John in concert, particularly having him perform here in Australia.  It will be a night I shall never forget. 

We of course all look forward to some normalcy returning, when COVID19 is under control, and we can travel again and attend these events to see our favourite actors/performers. 

Photos courtesy of Ruthy 


Teejay Peacelover


I’ve always been a fan of John...but he’s my hero because he saved my life. Knife in hand, headed for the bathroom to escape the planet once and for all...and John posted a social media post that arrived just as I walked past my phone, two steps from where I was going to end it all. Yeah, I was a mess...but all I needed was a distraction to regain some perspective and pull back from the edge. He gave me that moment...and literally saved my life. I can’t remember what the post was now...just that his smile, his laugh, and genuine love of his fans (that’d be ME folks!) got through to me when nothing else could. So, John Barrowman is my hero...and connected to my soul in the deepest way possible. 

I’ve allowed my love of the man to become an a good way. I’ve used his singing to help calm me when I’m driving, his panels on YouTube to cheer me up when I needed a laugh, his TV Shows and audio books (Doctor Who, Torchwood, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Big Finish Torchwood audios etc) as escapes when I needed head space, and getting to his events as dreams for me to chase. His smile makes my heart sing, his laugh is contagious, his relationship with his husband Scott is utterly beautiful, and love of his dogs is gorgeous, his sense of humour is wicked, and his innuendo is ‘on point’ 😉 

I’ve never had goals before. Ever.

Goal 1, to meet him in person. Check! 2am at Auckland airport (New Zealand) - yeah, I know, stalker MUCH?! But while he could have said hi and walked away...he chose to spend time with me and chat for 15 mins or so while he waited for Scott and Kelsey to get their bags...he asked me to wait with him. I love him even more for that. He also grabbed my phone and took photos of me with him, and with Scott when he caught up...unasked for, blissfully happy moments! Photos taken by John...him just off a plane ‘looking unshaven and dishevelled’ to use his words, and with me a puffy eyed mess in the middle of him and Scott! lol Yeah, I cried...he saved my life after all! I told him. He hugged me. Told me to talk to his fan family if I ever felt that way again - they’d be there for me, and yeah, they truly have been there for me because I can share my joy and love of the man with other people who understand. 

He’s a genuinely beautiful man/soul. 

Goal 2, to see him do a panel at a convention. Check - Auckland Armageddon - twice. Auckland Armageddon 2017 - BEST 4 days of my life - I got hugs and photos and autographs! And I made a great friend, an Aussie no less 😉 

Goal 3, to see him in concert. CHECK! Melbourne. Omg omg omg. Truly fanbloodytastic concert. AND I listened to him rehearse for a couple of hours first. Bliss. 

Goal 4, to see him at another convention for new stories - Melbourne check!

Then booked for Brisbane Australia - Supanova 2018! Check. I’ve since travelled to conventions in Australia multiple times to see him – and have many photos and hugs and autographs on my walls now that make me smile every day. 

Goal 5, to see John in concert in Glasgow in his Scottish accent, his home town - Check, 2019. Thanks to the truly excellent planning and booking skills of an aunty in the UK who knew how the UK systems and trains etc worked, I then followed John to Edinburgh and nine other UK destinations for the concert tour - that cost an arm and a leg - but absolutely worth it! VIP tickets, sound checks, concerts, heaven. Took me a year to pay off the debt for the trip – totally worth it. 

Goal 6, to get his autograph tattooed on my arm, tried at multiple conventions - finally got the autograph at the sound check prior to a concert in the UK thanks to another fabulous fan who also wanted one. We both got them done at the same tattooist between the meet and greet and the actual show, so I got to show it to John after the show at the VIP photo session! Lol Got the autograph tattoo from John and Captain Jack’s too! 

Goal 7 - to stay alive to see more of John, to see more concerts, to hear more of him singing...I finally lost my life long death wish mid 2019 while following his tour around the UK. It shocked me to the core. I’ve never wanted to be alive before, and I’m really quite stunned I finally kicked the ‘kill myself’ urge. My obsession with John keeps me alive, happy, and attached to the planet. He is my anchor, my hero, always there on CD or YouTube etc when I need him to calm me down or cheer me up or distract me. It’s VERY handy being able to self-medicate with a fabulous sparkle-tastic person who has SO many social media posts and shows and CDs to enjoy. 

November 2019 - I headed back to the UK, to see John in concert with his Fabulous Christmas tour. The aim was to get my happy Xmas vibe back. I lost it years ago. This concert run was HUGELY emotional for him, and it’s something he’s genuinely excited about (long story) – it was huge for me too. This last UK trip was extra huge for me as I planned and booked the whole thing myself (I’m strangely terrified of forms and numbers, and booking online is all about forms and numbers!), it’s challenged many of my fears and self-doubts - and I’ve beaten them all thanks to Barrowman. 

I was relatively recently identified with autism. I’m now 52, and was only told I was autistic a couple of years back. It explains SO much. I’ve always struggled with crowds, travel, forms, bright lights, noises, textures, overwhelming fears etc etc - since allowing my Barrowman obsession to flourish I’ve ticked SO many things off my bucket list! From 4-wheel driving to jumping off the Auckland Sky Tower, to bungee jumping, to traveling to Australia and the UK alone. He sings to me in the car and at work on night shift, he’s always there. He is my soul, my joy, my inspiration, my life. The wonderful relationship he has with his hubby Scott, seeing the love and life they have together, gives me hope. 

John Barrowman is the reason I’m on the planet, and my reason for staying.


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