
Sunday 7 March 2021

Articles Fans of Gareth David-Lloyd


When we began putting this article together, we were a little stuck on some of the credits to add. A lot of the meetings between the fans and Gareth aren’t on Wiki, and to be fair, Wiki isn’t a reliable source of information these days, with anyone altering the data to suit themselves, so hunting for information led me only to one major source. The fans.

Naturally, if we had every fan of Gareth’s or indeed John’s fans to write a short article, this upload would last till the end of March 2022 – so we’ve just added a few for this birthday celebration article. 

Here goes: 

Kirsty (biggest fan) 

“The first time I met Gareth, I totally fangirled. I was shy and quiet, not me at all. That lasted all of ten minutes. I am profoundly deaf as some people will know, and HATE when the batteries for my Cochlear Implant go dead. I like being able to hear, so there’s me, saying quite loudly and rudely, how unhappy I was at having to change them, just as Gareth walked past with his dogs. 


My auntie was holding a charity fun day at our local vets, which she used to own. 

The 2nd time I met him was at a signing for an audio book he spoke for. What was the point in that you ask? I can’t hear ... its Gareth that’s why. After waiting outside Forbidden Planet for a good few hours, (it’s a small shop), we made our way upstairs, where Gareth was signing stuff with a sharpie. Me, being my normal cheeky self, commented that the pen stinks. He apologised. Gonna take the guy a while to get used to me... After all, this was only the beginning. 

I have probably met Gareth now, more times than I can actually count, because

One, he’s a Newport boy so I see him in town a few times and…

Two, I ended up enjoying Blue Gillespie music so I have been to quite a few gigs. 

The first gig I went to sticks in my mind, not for a good reason. It was the second time I had ever experienced disability discrimination. Someone, who I had gone to school with as a young girl, knew I was deaf and told me, I didn’t belong there because of it.

Don’t worry it all became good after she said that (she wasn’t drunk so we knew it wasn’t the drink that made her say it) one of the guys from a different band heard this remark and wasn’t happy. Security was called and asked to remove nasty bigoted person from premises. 

More gigs after that came along, some I attended with friends, some on my own. Each time I got to know Gareth even more, and found him to be a good bloke, funny too. He got used to me and my quirky ways. Got to know Gemma, his wife, more too. 

The last time I saw Gareth was August 3rd 2013, the last home turf gig of Blue Gillespie. Their last gig ever was in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on August 30th. 

Ooh no, tell a lie. I saw him at Newport Comic Con in 2018. He wasn’t really expecting me as I had tweeted to say I was unable to make it, so to have him come round the table and give me a massive cuddle was really nice. Always nice to have someone of his profession recognise you straight off the bat."


Katherine Pozarek 

"I met Gareth at Dragon Con and I don't remember much, but he was awesome. I had a photo op and there was a mix up, not sure who screwed up, but they were able to get Gareth down to the photo area so I could get my pic and then rushed him out to a panel. I'd share that pic as well, but all my photo ops and autographs were stolen last year."

Ceri Marie Milton

 "I met Gareth when he was a student living in Newport."

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