
Sunday 7 February 2021

Fans Fiction The New Adventures of Lady C - The Eternal Diamond, Part One by S. Florence


Breaking News!

Thieves steal £500,000 of gems from London jeweller in 'audacious heist'


*A Burglary at George Attenborough & Son bears similarities to 2015 Hatton Garden robbery. Scotland Yard’s Flying Squad are hunting the mysterious thief behind the heist on the shop, which specialises in diamond rings, necklaces, pearls and other expensive jewellery. Last Friday evening a lone thief caught on CCTV wearing head to toe black clothing broke into an upmarket central London jeweller’s and stole an estimated £500,000 of gems and valuables in an audacious heist, police said on Wednesday. The burglary at George Attenborough and Son jewellers happened just before 10pm, just a few hours after it the shop had closed for the weekend, and has led to claims the thief must have tunnelled in, sparking comparisons to the 2015 heist in Hatton Garden. Police will only say that the thief broke in through a wall to gain access to the jewels inside, and that the burglary lacked the sophistication of the Hatton Garden heist. *

The following story is based on true events, but some of the details have been changed.

Christina huffed with annoyance as she read the linelacked the sophistication of the Hatton Garden heist.  The reporter working on the newspaper article obviously had no idea that it was the Hatton Garden lot that copied the idea from her one boozy weekend at the manor where guests were invited and secrets were divulged. She shook her head, rolled her eyes, took a gulp of gin and carried on reading. 

*Det Supt Alan Moring, leading the investigation, said: “This was an audacious burglary, and there are elements that appear to have been planned with some precision by the suspect. They broke through a wall in order to gain access to the store. At this stage we are not releasing any further details about the methods used” * 

Christina scoffed this time and snorted a short burst of laughter. “You don’t have any further details that’s why!” 

*Moring added: “The estimated loss is £500,000. This is a theft of high value which warrants thorough and determined investigation. We know that the raid took place just before 10pm on Friday evening. I would urge people who were in the area to think back. It may be that you saw something and now realise it may have been out of place. If this is the case, please make contact with us, even if that is anonymously.”  Detectives were securing and studying footage from CCTV systems in the area for clues. A breakthrough via CCTV ultimately snared the Hatton Garden gang. Unlike the 2015 heist, establishing the estimated value of the items stolen in the weekend raid was relatively simple. In Hatton Garden, safety deposit boxes kept by private clients were broken into and their contents stolen. Establishing their value was a long and complex process, as well as working out what exactly was stolen, with some owners declining to come forward. George Attenborough and Son Jewellers would have had a better idea of what they had in stock, what was missing and an estimate of its worth. As well as breaking into the shop, which was established in 1843 and describes itself as “one of the United Kingdom’s most iconic, traditional jewellers”, the thieves would have had to bypass alarms and security once inside. Moring also laid speculation to the fact that the notorious and so far, unidentified jewel thief, The Lucky Cat, may be a suspect as, and I quote: “This sort of thing is right up her alley” But because the thief remains at large, investigations are still ongoing and we can’t speculate anything at this early stage”*

Article written by B.M.Lunn  

Lady C closed the newspaper and laid it on the side table next to her lounge chair with a loud disappointed sigh. Upon hearing her rattling disgust through the manor corridors, Cook appeared as if by magic with another large gin on a silver serving tray which he handed to her before picking up the paper and reading the front-page news for himself.

He was a great butler; an even better friend and he knew exactly what to say in times like this when all Lady C’s efforts seemed to go unnoticed by the worlds press.  
Lacked the sophistication my arse! Bet the bleedin’ ‘Atton Garden mob didn’t get away with the priceless Eternal diamond did they say? Basil’s been after that for donkey’s years. He’ll be havin’ a right fit once he knows it was being kept safe in that back-street jewellers all this time and not where he thought it was!” 

Cook let out a large laugh which made Lady C smile. He was right, of course. The jewellery had been taken just to cover up the real reason she was robbing the joint and she smiled smugly to herself knowing exactly what was now sitting rather pretty in her secret underground vault.

“Exactly!” She proclaimed after draining the first glass of gin and taking a sip from the other. “As expected, there’s no reports of the diamond being stolen anywhere which just goes to show that we may have been right about its origin after all. No wonder they were keeping it a secret.”

She got to her feet and smiled as she tossed back her long brown hair from her eyes and handed Cook her phone.  “Call The Doctor Cook, tell him what I have and tell him I expect him to be here by 6pm this evening for dinner. If we are right about this, he will want to know we have it and if he wants it back, he will have to return the item he stole from me last year. I’d call that a fair trade, wouldn’t you?”

Cook nodded and took the phone, mumbling to himself as he wondered which version of the Doctor would turn up this time and if he’d know anything that was going on or if he’d know too much. It was always the way with him, and a her once, that totally threw both of them that day.

Lady C left the room and headed to the vault. The jewellery she had stolen would be sold off in dribs and drabs to those she knew within her dark circles and they would make her a fair amount of money, but as she typed in the code to the safety box buried deep within the vault which was made of a type of wood that couldn’t be opened by a wandering Time Lord’s sonic screwdriver, she laid eyes on her most valuable prize to date, knowing that within a few hours, she’d once more have the key to everything!

 To be continued….

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