
Saturday 29 March 2014

The Mothership Who's For Cake? by DJ Forrest

"Have you ever had those little cakes, with the crunchy ball bearings on top... ever had those... those things? Nobody else in the entire galaxy has ever even bothered to make edible ball bearings! Genius!"  

Cakes come in all shapes and sizes, can come traditional or moulded into whatever theme you fancy, can be more than the traditional colour of sponge, with layers and layers of coloured icing, toppings and fillings.  Cakes are wonderful, mouth watering delights which us at Project: Torchwood love more than anything else, well other than chocolate, but then chocolate can be incorporated into the cake also.   Cakes have been the topic of design since before Jane Asher wrote her first book, and Mary Berry created her wonderful sponges, that we salivated over during the Great British Bake Off.   

Quite recently, well over the last couple of years, people have taken cake decorating to a whole new level.  Competitions up and down the country presented challenges to people to create extreme cake designs that would have you standing open mouthed at the sweet delights on display.  My favourite of all cake designs are those created by Who fans, yes you know which ones I mean.  The TARDIS cake, the Daleks, the multi tiered wedding cake with a crashed TARDIS on top, or with Donna and Doctor standing as bride and groom.  The coloured swirls of designers using a galaxy of colours for the TARDIS to rest upon. 

Little Miss Cake Maker is one such designer of Doctor Who cakes, but instead of creating the sponge into a TARDIS she goes one better, shaping the icing to form the TARDIS, rolling out the Dalek shape and pressing ball bearings around its skirts, and creating the wonderful Adipose creatures from marshmallow all of which sit on the swirls of coloured butter cream icing on the cupcakes she serves up. 

We caught up with Samantha recently as she prepared to launch her new business online and her new line in Doctor Who kits.  Samantha is a massive Who fan, her interest in the Time Lord began in 2005. 

“I've been a true Doctor Who fan since BBC aired the new series with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. I was hooked from there, but David Tennant is my absolute favourite!  I had the idea of making my own Doctor Who cakes in anticipation of the season finale last May, as me and a group of fellow geeky friends had arranged to gather around a big screen and watch it in a top quality way, that was when I wrote this:   I then stepped it up a gear as we arranged that night to do it again for the 50th anniversary special in November. That was when I did this:

For those of us who look for new fresh ideas for cake decoration and cake design Samantha’s blog gives you just that, with step by step instructions including which colour blue for the TARDIS that isn’t found in the supermarket, but a colour you have to work at and the results are worth it.  The website itself is clean, bright and enticing, with its easy to read Page icons that lead you into well spaced out posts on all that Samantha has baked, designed, entered into competitions and much more.  There are some fascinating ideas and Samantha encourages you to try them out, giving online tips if you’re struggling over how to make that exact design, or which piping nozzle size to use.

The Doctor Who kits retail at £20 and include the cake mix for 12 cupcakes, a recipe and instruction card, and sci fi decorations of TARDIS, Daleks and Adipose which comes in a keepsake box.  All you require to make the cakes with are the butter, eggs, bowl, spoon, baking tray and oven. 

In most baking kits you pay money for a plastic or silicone mould which often lets you down and doesn’t often look like the picture on the cover, but with this cake kit, you’re actually receiving the created toppings, all you need to create is the cupcake and swirls of butter cream topping, the rest is done for you. 

It’s a fantastic little business idea and one you should check out.  I’ve been salivating all morning writing this, I’m now hungry for cake.  Now where did I put that order form?

You can find Samantha on Blogger, Twitter and Facebook.

Photo sources
Many Thanks!

©BBC Doctor Who 1963 

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