
Tuesday 24 December 2013

Interviews Caitlin Blackwood aka Amelia Pond by DJ Forrest

Amy Pond has been a regular face on Doctor Who since the start of the 5th series with the 11th Doctor.  We saw her from a child making the Doctor fish fingers and custard in the kitchen of her home and followed her life right through to her final scene in a grave yard in Manhattan, New York, where she was touched by an ‘Angel’. 

Amy first appeared on our screens in ‘The Eleventh Hour’ broadcast 26th June 2010, written by Steven Moffat, directed by Adam Smith, produced by Peter Bennett.  Amy (Amelia) was seven years old and for years had been plagued by the crack in her bedroom wall that over time had grown wider and wider.  It played on her mind, and it affected her thoughts, and fed on her memories, so much so that she couldn’t remember her parents, she knew they weren’t there, but she didn’t know why.  She lived in the house with her Aunt Sharon, who worried about her niece and had had her at psychiatrists for years after her talk of her imaginary friend, the raggedy man, and the stars in the sky, that didn’t exist, either.

When the Doctor crashed the TARDIS in her front garden in the dead of night, it was the start of many adventures.  The child Amy told the Doctor about the crack in her wall of her bedroom that she wanted the Doctor to look at.  He said he would just as the TARDIS alarm went off.  He promised to return in 5 minutes, however it was twelve years later and young Amy was now 19, and played by Karen Gillan.

Caitlin Blackwood was 9 years old when she played the younger Amelia Pond in the episode ‘The Eleventh Hour, it was her first ever acting role.  She later went on to appear in four more episodes - ‘The Big Bang’, a non speaking cameo role at the end of ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’, was the TARDIS interface in ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’, and appeared in one of the rooms in ‘The God Complex’.

Off screen Caitlin is like any other 13 year old, she goes to school, goes to the cinema, has favourite bands and singers and favourite actors.  In her spare time, Caitlin makes jewellery that is featured in her mum Linda’s Etsy shop.
The online shop began trading on the 27th October 2013 and has already made 25 sales.  Its biggest seller for the Doctor Who fans is the TARDIS Blue bracelet but there are also signed photos of Caitlin in her role as Amelia Pond.  It’s a wonderful little shop selling vibrant coloured jewellery, warm woollen fashion scarves, and delightful little cushions one of which I’ve got my eye on.
It has a five star review rating and has already at time of this article, gained 3,163 followers of which I’m one.  They ship worldwide.
Recently I caught up with Caitlin as she returned home from the ‘Day of the Doctor’ Convention at the Excel in London. 

Hi Caitlin, what an awesome weekend, I’m sure for you as much as from every fan of Doctor Who.  I’m still coming down from it. 

Are you involved in any new acting projects at the moment that you can share with us?

Caitlin:  Nothing at the moment.  My mum insists that I get an education first and then decide.  I do make and sell jewellery and I love doing that.

Although you’ve worked with Matt Smith, who is your favourite Doctor?

Caitlin My Dr is David Tennant.  I met him at a convention once and my mum fangirled!!!!! 

What is your favourite piece of jewellery that you’ve made?

Caitlin:  My fave piece was the two hearts one TARDIS set I made.  Can’t remember what I first made cos I’m always making stuff.  It’s my Mum’s shop but I asked her to put my stuff on.  Now sell more than her J

Do you visit the cinema a lot and what was the last film you saw?

Caitlin:  Love going to the cinema and saw Hunger Games with my friend Rebecca.  Going to see Anchorman 2 with my family at Xmas.

Are you a Hunger Games fan, have you read the books too?

Caitlin:  Yeah I loved the books.

Who is your favourite actor or actress and if you had the opportunity to act with any movie star, who would it be?

Caitlin:  My favourite actor is Jim Parsons (Sheldon) and I would love to work with him on anything.

Which monster scares you the most on Doctor Who?

Caitlin:  It’s the Weeping Angels or the Oods.  The Oods cos they have all that dangly stuff on their face and the Angels cos they’re scary.

Fans Questions

Robbie Crossan:  Would you ever ask your agent to get you a casting interview when the Doctor is looking for a new assistant?  You could be Amy’s cousin, or the Doctor and River’s daughter!

Caitlin: I would definitely try to audition for a companion’s role!!

Pauline Howard: What was it like playing Amelia, and did you enjoy working with Matt Smith?

Caitlin:  Matt was brilliant and so much fun.  Amelia was a pretty cool role to play and very different from Amy!

Kirsty Price: What’s next for your career?

Caitlin I think I want to keep acting but I do want to think of other things.  I also make jewellery

Mickie Newton:  If you had the chance to return to Doctor Who as young Amy, would you?

Caitlin: Think I may be too old now but I’m sure Mr Moffat could explain it somehow so yeah, I would.

Eilidh Barn:  Did you enjoy playing Amelia and do you enjoy watching Doctor Who?

Caitlin:  I don’t watch Dr Who every time but I do catch up sometimes.  I really enjoyed acting on the show and it was a great first acting experience.

Nikki Forrest:  How did you feel when you got the part of Amelia?  What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Caitlin:  I was soooooo excited and nervous.  I think my whole family were hyper for about a month after we heard.  I go to Air Cadets and make jewellery.

Mickie Newton:  Although you’re still very young, do you have a dream role?

Caitlin:  A dream role would be to star in a film with Anne Hathaway as she is so talented.  If not then maybe as the first female Doctor Who....;)

Photo source:
©BBC Doctor Who 1963
Permission from Caitlin Blackwood over jewellery

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