Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Mothership Who is your favourite Time Lord?

We all have our favourite Time Lord, some have possibly a couple, from their first ever encounter with the Doctor as a child to who they admire now.  I have my favourites from the 3rd who was my first, to the 4th, to the 9th, 10th and 11th, but it was the 10th that fired up my imagination to return to writing and to alter the way I looked at the universe and all that dwelt within it and also gave me some choice quotes while visiting libraries and random sayings throughout my crazy geeky life as a Whovian.  Ten also gave me a lot more confidence and brought me out of my shell as a person, so I have a lot to thank to the Whoniverse for that and the writings of one special man, Russell T Davies who brought the show back.

So who is your favourite Doctor?

Katya Armbruster @katinkakatee222: Ten!  Without a doubt! Still miss him and Russell T Davies so much!!!

Lisa C @Lisalisalou: Ten, Nine, Four, Eleven, Five then the rest

Echo Fain: Tom Baker was my first, but I think Paul McGann is my favourite.  I’ve listened to a lot of the 8th Doctor’s audio adventures and I’ve experienced his evolution, he’s marvellous to listen to and in my mind, the Doctor always sounds like one of those two.

Robin Miller Stinton: My first Doctor here in the USA was Tom Baker and Peter Davison.  My favourite is David Tennant.

Steven Barber: I will echo Robin’s sentiment that Tennant is my favorite Doctor.  He carried the correct combination of madness and at times barely concealed anger, with a keen sense of an intellect at work at all times.  I love them all, to varying degrees, but he is my to-date favorite.

Other thoughts: Smith is quite good, but comes across as a bit muddled (as does some of the storytelling).  Baker also conveyed the intellect, but had a penchant for buffoonery that sometimes went over the top (he would still be my third favorite after Eccleston).  Eccleston had a nice intensity and conveyed a sadness that the other Doctors didn’t quite capture (with the exception of Smith, who does this nicely).  It may be blasphemy, but most previous Doctors have been a bit too camp for me.  Davison and Hartnell were a bit more straightforward.

Pauline Howard:  My favourite Dr's have to be Tom Baker, David Tennant & Matt Smith.  They both have that wide eyed expression and their phrases, "Can I have a jelly baby?" Tom's, David's" Allon-sy" and Matt "Fezzes are cool."

Used to love Saturday nights waiting for Dr Who, best day of the week Saturday, sitting eating our tea, watching a man with curly hair big eyes and a long scarf bound onto the screen. 
Then of course there was David's Doctor,  a man tall with big brown eyes and long flowing coat, he would say to his companion Rose "Run!" and they would have some great adventures. 
Then came Matt, he had two companions Amy Pond and Rory, he met Amy in her garden when he was nearly getting to the end of his regeneration.

Tosh: Classic is a toss up between Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. New Who is also a toss up between David and Matt! I am so flaky, I just cannot choose!! lol

The Doctor: Dr Who changed my life big style... Doesn’t help when you look like a younger version of the 9th Doctor.

Keep your comments coming!

Picture source:

1 comment:

  1. Mine has to be 10th, and second one is 9th. I just love RTD's Doctor Who, with such great companions as Donna, Martha and of course Jack!
