Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Coffee Shop Favourite Moments in Countrycide

There are many scenes in Countrycide that stick in our memory, from Gwen Cooper’s ‘snogging’ question that caused an awkward moment between Ianto and the team, the ‘Moment’ between Owen and Gwen and if that watcher hadn’t cracked the twig, would they have given in to temptation.  There’s the scenes with the cannibals after they capture Ianto and Toshiko, and the many times poor Ianto winds up on the floor, but my special moment has to be when Jack threatens to torture the cannibal and my stomach somersaults several times, imagining if I as a character were ever unfortunate enough or ‘lucky’ enough to ever be in that position with Captain Jack Harkness!!! 

So we asked the fans on our Facebook and Twitter Page about their favourite scenes.

Doreen Freitag: Tosh and Ianto locked in that creepy room finding these...things...

Denise Amparo:  My favourite moment is when Gwen was interviewing the creepy guy.  Something in what he said was so wrong and yet he thought it was so right.  I’m pretty morbid that way.

Katherine Pozarek: The drive out to the strange little town when Owen complains about the smell.

Claudia Lindner:  The one with Jack pressing the guy in the cellar for some answers.  Jack is really tough and scary there. 

That scene with Tosh and Ianto investigating at that farmhouse – such a goose bumpy creepy scene!  Love to see Ianto in normal clothes, other than his usual suit.  He is really different there, too.  Kind of more active, going for it, a real team player!

I also like the camp scene, it shows the team in a different situation, and many of their troubled emotions.

Robin Miller Stinson: Jack had lost a lot of his memory but when he met the Doctor & Rose he changed.  Plus before he lost his memory he may have been that nasty so in this scene some of his inner demons surfaced.  But either way the Doctor & Rose changed him for the better.  Also Gwen also helped him in this area.  Gwen put a heart into Torchwood much like Rose did for The Doctor & Jack.

~Tosh~  Ianto’s face when he opens the fridge!

Caroline Warboys: OMG! Towards the end where Gwen says “Let me talk to him Jack, I want to know why!” and the creep says “It makes me happy!” Ohhh shivers.  There is so many.  Have to say, when Owen and Gwen went into the woods and had the ‘Moment’ and then Gwen gets shot, great episode.

If you want to add to this thread, we’d love to hear from you!

Photo Source:

BBC Torchwood 2006

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